Testing Lone Worker Protections

In this article we will go over how to test the lone worker protections on the m-Post App and then view the test results in the Command Center on the Guardtek web portal.

NOTE:  Before you can test the lone worker protections, they must be enabled in the Guardtek web portal and the device must be synced for the test option to appear on the m-Post app.

For  review of how to set up lone worker protections please see the Resource Center article Setting up Lone Worker Protections. 

How to Test Lone Worker Protections - iOS

To test lone worker protections on an iOS device:

1. Log onto the m-Post App.

2. Tap the Global Menu icon at the top left hand corner.


3. In the drop-down menu tap the Test LWP option.


4. Tap the green START TEST button at the bottom of the screen.


5. Follow the onscreen prompt and press the blue caution Panic button icon for 2 seconds (the counter will count it down to zero for you).


6. When the test has been successfully completed tap the green FINISH button at the bottom of the screen.



How to Test Lone Worker Protections - Android

To test lone worker protections on an Android device:

1. Log onto the m-Post App.

2. Tap the Global Menu icon at the top left hand corner.


3. In the drop-down menu tap the Test LWP option.


4. The Testing of the Lone Worker Protections will start automatically with onscreen instructions on how to perform each test

For Example, the enabled manual emergency detection test will look like this:


Once the test has been completed the screen will let you know that the test succeeded:


5. Tap on the green NEXT button at the bottom of the screen and perform the next test.

6. Once all the enabled Lone Worker protection test have been completed the green NEXT button will change to DONE.  Tap the DONE button to complete the Lone Worker Protection test. 


How to View the Test Results in the Command Center

To view the lone worker protection test results:

1. Log onto the Guardtek web portal as a Supervisor.

2. Click the Command Center module icon at the upper right hand corner of the Guardtek home page. 


3. Click on the Devices module.


4. Clicking the Devices module will bring up several search options.  The defaults will be None for the Date of Last Test and Show All (both Successful and Failed tests).


5. Using the defaults will display all devices with Lone Worker Protections as well as the status of the the Latest Test and the Latest Test Result.


6. Click the time stamp link in the Latest Test column to see the individual Lone Worker Protection test results.


NOTE: In this example the Latest Test Result shows that the Lone Worker Protection test failed and the breakdown of each individual test shows why.  In this example, the Tilt test was unsuccessfully completed.  Even though all the other Lone Worker Protection tests were successful ALL the tests must be successfully completed in order for the Latest Test Result to display Success. 

If a specific Lone Worker Protection is not set up the column displaying that individual option will be blank.


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