Order your NFC Tags/Badges on ShopNFC.com

ShopNFC.com website offers a very wide range of NFC equipments part of which (NTAG213) is fully compatible with our GuardTek solutions. Based in Italy they provide fast and reliable support in english and also degressive and competitive pricing. You can also customize those according your needs.
This article will help you identify compatible NFC tags and badges but also how to add the option to make them compatible with iOS devices.


Exclusive Discount for GuardTek Customers

Use this discount code TK-FC-VT-5 when validating your cart by adding it in the field that appears after clicking on Have a promo code ? under Shipping fee.


Retrieve NTAG213 Tags

Main thing to remember is the NFC technology compatible with our solutions: NTAG213.
Beware we don't garantee compatibility with tags other than NTAG213.

3 ways to filter results on ShopNFC.com:

  1. Use this link that will get you directly on the right category.
  2. From www.shopnfc.com search for ntag123 in the searchbar.
  3. From www.shopnfc.com navigate to SEARCH BY CHIP menu then click on NTAG213 in right column.

All results here are compatible, make your choice!

Here are some usual references:


Order Tags for Android devices

  1. From NTAG213 category of www.shopnfc.com site (see previous point) find your tag type based on your usage (tour, badge, ...).
  2. Encode required quantity (a degressive pricing table is always shown) and click on Add to cart.
  3. Nothing else to do for Android devices, proceed to order (identification, adress, payment, ...).
  4. A little patience and your tags will arrive!


Order Tags for iOS devices

  1. From NTAG213 category of www.shopnfc.com site (see previous point) find your tag type based on your usage (tour, badge, ...).
  2. Encode required quantity (a degressive pricing table is always shown) and click on Add to cart.
  3. Use then this link to access encoding for TrackForce iOS.
  4. Encode same quantity than point 2 to match tags in your cart and click on Add to cart.
  5. That's all, proceed to order (identification, adress, payment, ...).
  6. A little patience and your tags will arrive!
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