Enabling Break Functionality

In this article we will go over how to enable the recording of Break punches through the Mobile app for a particular site.


How to Enable Break Functionality

To enable Break Functionality:

1. Log onto the Smartforce web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2. Hover over the TLM Module and click on Position in the Schedule Maintenance section. 


3. Find the Position where the Break functionality should be enabled and click on its associated row (do NOT click on the “Schedule Details” portion of the row as this will load the schedule on a different screen, click anywhere else on the row to display the information and settings for the Position):


4. Click on the Punch Rules tab on the left followed by the Edit button on the lower left corner of the screen:


5. Check off the “Break Enabled” checkbox and press the Save button to confirm and enable the Break functionality on the Position in question:


6. Repeat the above steps for any other Position requiring the change.

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