Finalizing Invoice Batches in Smartforce

In this article, we will go over how to finalize an invoice batch once it has been created in Smartforce.

How to Finalize An Invoice Batch in Smartforce

(NOTE:  Before an invoice batch can be finalized, it must be created in the system.   If any assistance with this process is needed, please refer to the article "Generating Invoice Batches in Smartforce" for additional information.)

To finalize an invoice batch in Smartforce:

1. Log onto the web portal as an admin or supervisor. 

2. Hover over the Billing module and click on Invoice Batches in the Invoicing section or click the Invoice Batches button in the Important Actions column.



3. On the Invoice Batches page, right-click on the invoice batch in question and select the Finalize option from the displayed list of actions.


4. Select the Yes option to confirm in the window that pops up.  


5. The following window will show the steps during the finalization process. Once all the efforts have been completed and the green check mark appears, press the Close button to confirm and close the window.


6. Once the window is closed, you will be redirected to the main Invoice Batch listing screen. A recommendation would be to manually refresh and reload the Invoice Batch listing page to ensure all information is updated correctly and displayed. Once the page refreshes, the same invoice batch from before should be listed, but with an "Is Finalized" status of "Yes." 



7. Once the invoice batch has been finalized, the final step in the process is to email out copies of the generated invoices to the respective clients (for sites configured with the "Email Invoice" option) or print out copies of the generated invoices (for sites configured with the "Print Invoice" option). This is done by right-clicking on the invoice batch in question and selecting the Email option (for sites configured with "Email Invoice"), the Print option (for sites configured with "Print Invoice"), or selecting both options (if the site is configured with the option to do both actions).



8. the following status screen will be shown for the Email option. Press the Close button once the green checkbox is displayed.


For the Printing option, the associated invoices will be generated and displayed on the screen once selected. You can then click on the Print icon at the top to print them or the Download button to download a copy to your local hard drive. Press the Close button at the lower right corner of the page when finished.


9. At this point, you will be redirected back to the Invoice Batch listing screen. If the page is refreshed again, you will see that the invoice batch in question now has the respective Email/Print icons displayed next to it, identifying the batch as finalized and successfully sent to the client.


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