Smartforce Valiant Mobile ESS Registration Process

This article will review how to register for a Valiant ESS account in the Valiant mobile application.

NOTE:  This article goes over registering on the Mobile App. To register online from a computer, please take a look at the Help Center article: The Smartforce Employee Self Service Registration Process.

Valiant ESS Mobile App – What is it?

The Valiant Mobile App is an application on your smartphone that allows you to access important information about your job.

In the app, you can see the following:

Your Schedule

Your Pay Stubs

Shift Offers your company has made available

Basic information about your profile


You can also:

Punch in and out of schedules

Accept Shift Offers



Downloading and Opening the App

You should first go to the app store on your mobile device to download the app.

Search for Valiant Mobile

Our app is the blue icon with the letter V, labeled Mobile Workforce Management.

Once installed, you can click "Open" from the app store to open the application.

"Valiant Mobile" will ask if you want to allow notifications, choose the applicable response.



Confirming Your Identity

The app will want to confirm your identity before accessing your personal information.

It will ask you to enter your email address, and after a few moments of processing, it will want you to verify your employment.

Once you confirm who you work for, the system will send a 6-digit code to your email address.



Log into your email and retrieve the code. Copy and Paste the code into the app.

Once you enter the code into the app, it will verify who you are and give you a success message.

Please keep in mind that the code expires after 15 minutes.

If the code is incorrect or expired, you can click "Resend Code" to get a new one sent to you.



Creating Your Account

Next, you'll need to set up your account.

This includes:

Creating a password

Creating a security question

Accepting the Terms & Conditions


Congratulations! Your account is now created, and you're almost done.

Next, you need to register your device.

Enter your email and password to sign into the app.

Follow the 3-step process


Choose a 4-digit Login Token

Confirm your 4-digit Login Token

Grant Location access for punching in/out functionality

You now have access to the following:

View your Schedule

View available Shift Offers

View your Pay Stubs


The clocking in and out functionality will not work unless you "Allow" this app to read your location when using it.

Grant Location access while using the app

Choose your employer



Device Registration is Completed!

You have completed your device registration.

You now have access to the following:

View Notifications

View your Pay Stubs

View your Schedule

View available Shift Offers



Valiant Mobile Registration – FAQ

I entered my email address. Why is it saying my email doesn't exist?

Your employer may not have your email address on file. You'll want to contact your employer and ask them to add it to your profile so you can continue the registration process.


Why didn't I receive a code?

Occasionally, the code email will go to your spam folder. Please check this and the junk mail folders in your inbox!


I entered a code. Why does it say it is invalid?

The code expires after 15 minutes. You can get a new code from the "Resend Code" option.


The app is asking me for a token. What is this?

The Valiant Mobile app wants to give you a 4-digit number that you can use to log into the app. This allows you to enter a 4-digit code instead of re-entering your password every time you log in.


I work for multiple companies that use the Valiant Mobile app. How do I know which company I'm looking at?

You can click "settings" in the bottom left corner of the app to see or change your employer, business unit, and location settings at any time while logged in.




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