In this article we will go over how to log onto the Trackforce Valiant Smartforce web portal for the first time, accept the Terms and Conditions and select and answer a security question.
NOTE: Your Trackforce Valiant Customer Success Specialist will provide you with a unique URL address. The URL address is typically your company name or abbreviation prefix with the URL.
- How to Log onto your Trackforce Valiant Web Portal
- Terms and Conditions
- Define Your Security Question
How to Log onto your Trackforce Valiant Web Portal
To Log onto your Trackforce Valiant web porta
1. From your browser open a new tab and type in your unique URL address.
2. On the login page type in the Username and Password your Trackforce Valiant Customer Success Specialist has provided you and then click the Sign In button.
Terms and Conditions
3. Agree to Terms and Conditions by scrolling down the page and clicking the I Agree button.
Define your Security Question
4. Define your security question by clicking the SecurityQuestion: drop down menu.
5. Select a Security Question from the drop down options by clicking on the question you want to answer.
6. Click on the Answer: box field and type in your answer then click the Define button.
7. You are now on the Home Page.