This article will review how the pay rate hierarchy works and explain which pay rates can override other pay rates in the system.
The pay rates are set up in 6 basic ways.
- Pay Rate Hierarchy Illustrated Table Overview
- Employee Master
- Employee Regular Rates
- Post Master
- Holiday Master
- Employee Matrix
- Exception
Pay Rate Hierarchy Illustrated Table Overview
In the following Pay, Rate Hierarchy illustrated table. You can see the pay rates listed in descending order with the pay rate that overrides those below it.
Employee Master (1)
NOTE: The Employee Master pay rate is permanent and sets up when the employee profile is created.
To view the Employee Master level pay rate:
1. Click on the TLM module and click the Employee TLM Profile under the Employee TLM Master sub-heading.
2. Click on the desired Employee TLM Profile.
3. click the Employee Pay Rate under the Related Information drop-down menu in the Main Form section on the left-hand side.
4. This will display the Employee Pay Rate.
NOTE: This is the lowest pay rate in the hierarchy and can be overridden by all other pay rates.
Employee Regular Rates (2)
This option lets you change and override the employee's actual pay rate on a go-forward on a specific date.
To view the change in the Employee Regular Rates:
1. Click on the TLM module and click the Employee TLM Profile under the Employee TLM Master sub-heading.
2. Click on the desired Employee TLM Profile.
3. click the Employee Pay Rate under the Related Information drop-down menu in the Main Form section on the left-hand side.
4. In the Employee Pay Rate window, click the Actions drop-down in the upper right-hand corner and click Change Pay Rate.
5. Click the calendar icon to the right of the Effective Date: field.
6. On the Pay Rate Change Template page, you can add the new pay rate in the New Pay Rate: field or use the increase/decrease arrows at the right of the area to change the pay rate.
Once entered, click the Apply button.
NOTE: You also have the alternative option to change the pay rate by a percentage in the Increase Percentage: field.
7. Once the new pay rate has been entered, click the Change Pay Rate button at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
8. A green pop-up SUCCESS banner will let you know the pay rate was changed.
NOTE: This new pay rate is now the lowest in the hierarchy and can still be overridden by all other pay rates.
Post Master (3)
This pay rate overrides the employee master or the employee's adjusted regular rates.
To view the Post Master rates:
1. Click on the TLM module and then click Position.
2. Click on the position.
3. In the Main Form, on the left-hand side of the page, click on Rate Effective Dates in the Additional Attributes drop-down menu.
4. This will display the Effective Date and the Payroll Date for this post.
NOTE: The post-pay rate will override the original employee master rate and any changed employee regular rates. In the hierarchy, it can still be overridden by all other pay rates above it.
Holiday Master (4)
This pay rate overrides the employee master, the employee's adjusted regular rates, and the posted speed.
To view the Holiday Master rates:
1. Click on the TLM module and then click Location Holidays.
2. Click on the Holiday
3. The Pay Rate will be listed as a straight rate or as a factor.
NOTE: Most typically, holidays are paid at a factor of time and a half.
NOTE: The holiday pay rate will override the original employee master rate, any changed employee regular rates, and the post rate. In the hierarchy, it can still be overridden by all other pay rates above it.
Employee Matrix (5)
This pay rate overrides the employee master, the employee's adjusted regular rates, the posted rate, and the holiday master.
To learn more about creating an Employee matrix, please see the Help Center article: Creating and Managing a Smartforce TLM Employee Matrix
To view the Employee Matrix rate:
1. Click on the TLM module and then click Employee Matrix in the TLM Rate Management section.
2. Click on the desired Employee TLM profile to view or set it up.
3. The Matrix Billing Activation: of the Billing Details section will indicate Yes if it has been turned on for a specific property location or No if it is not utilized.
NOTE: The General Details section will indicate the location to which the Employee Matrix will apply. To create an Employee Matrix for multiple property locations, click on the Customer, Location, Position, and Shift: field drop-down menus to add an Employee Matrix(s).
4. To manage the Matrix Billing Activation, click the Edit button at the bottom right-hand corner.
NOTE: Hovering over the Matrix Billing Activation: field will pop up a question mark icon. Clicking on the question mark icon will pop up an information explanation box:
5. Once any edits are managed, click the Save button at the bottom right-hand corner.
NOTE: The Employee Matrix will override the Employee Master, Regular Rates, Post Master, and Holiday Master rates.
Exception (6)
This pay rate overrides the employee master, the employee's adjusted regular rates, the posted rate, the holiday master, and the employee matrix.
To Manage the Exception pay rate:
1. Click on the TLM module and then click Business Unit in the Schedule Maintenance section.
2. On the Business Unit page, click the Schedule Details button.
3. On the Schedule Details page, click on the three vertical dots, click on the Manage Exceptions drop-down, and click on the Payroll option.
4. In the Payroll pop-up window, you can create your exceptions.
Payroll Hours (1)
You can create an exception by hours by clicking the Hours: box and selecting the payroll rate by filling in the desired Regular, Overtime, or Holiday fields.
NOTE: adding hours in the desired field will override the actual time clock punched hours worked.
i.e., if the officer worked 7 hours and you input 8 hours, the officer would be paid for 8 hours, and visa versa, if you input 7 hours and the officer worked 8 hours, the officer would be paid for 7 hours.
Payroll Rate (2)
You can also create an exception by payroll rate by clicking the Rate: box and adding a payroll rate in the Temp Rate: field.
Time (3)
The Time tab will display the exceptions as you make them in the above section(s).
Notes (4)
The Notes tab allows you to explain the reason behind the exception(s) created.
For example: "There was a shortage of officers available, so we promised an extra $1 an hour for any officer able to cover the shift last minute."
Save (5)
Once any exceptions have been created, click the Save button at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.