Creating a New Smartforce User

In this article, we will go over how to create a new user in Smartforce and then add them to a user group.

NOTE: Users and groups will be created for the Super User by your Customer Success Manager.

How to Create a New Smartforce User

To create a new Smartforce user:

1. Log onto your Trackforce Valiant web portal.

2. Hover over or click on the Settings module and click Users in the Important Actions column at the left-hand side of the page.




3. On the Users page, click on the Actions drop-down menu at the right-hand side and then click New User.



4. Click on the individual new User personal information fields and type in the appropriate information (1).

NOTE: When adding a new user, it is recommended that you do not type in a Welcome Message (2) and check the Send E-mail (2) during the initial setup process, as permissions still need to be assigned. They may receive several error messages if they attempt to log in before permissions are assigned.  


The Clients: (3) drop-down menu will default to your company.

If you want to add a user Profile Picture, click the Browse... (4) button. This will open your computer's download options. Select the file based on the location the profile picture was saved:



Once the new user profile has been created, click the New User (5) button at the bottom right-hand corner. A green banner will display at the top of the page, letting you know you successfully added a new user: 


If there was an error when creating a new user, a warning banner will show you what the error(s) was and how to resolve the issue.



Assigning a New User to a User Group

To add a new user to a user group:

1. Create a New Smartforce User

2. Hover over or click on the Settings module and click Users in the Important Actions column at the left-hand side of the page.


3. Locate the new user you want to assign to a group. 

NOTE:  Users are listed alphanumerically by Last Name. For large lists of users, you can type in their user, first or last name in the Keyword Search field. 


4. Right-click on the user to access the user management options and click Add to User Group.


5. In the User Group Picker Template section, click the User Group drop-down menu.


6. In the Choose User Group pop-up window, click on the User Group you want to assign the user to and then click Select


7. The selected group will now appear in the User Group. Click Add to User Group



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