In this article we will go over the basic method for creating a new shift.
Prerequisites to Creating a New Shift
Before reviewing this article you should have already reviewed the Help Center Article: Smartforce Quick Create Customer, Location, Position
When a Customer, Location and Position have been created the schedule will be blank - "No Records Found".
How to Create a New Shift Through Position
To create a new shift through position:
1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.
2. Hover over the TLM Module and click the Position option in the Schedule Maintenance section.
3. Click on the Position you want to create a new shift for.
NOTE: When the list of positions is very long you can use the Keyword search to locate it much faster.
4. In the Main Form section on the left hand side of the page click on Available Shifts under the Additional Attributes sub-heading.
5. Click the Actions drop down menu and click Create New.
6. Select the shift Time In: from the drop down menu and select the shift Time Out: from the drop down menu and click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner. These are the only necessary fields to be filled in to create a new shift.
NOTE: You also have the option to click the Save & New button to add multiple shifts.
7. A green SUCCESS pop up banner will let you know that the shift(s) has been successfully created.
8. Once a new shift has been created click on the Actions drop down menu at the upper right hand side of the page and click Schedule Details.
9. Click the New Shift button at the upper right hand side of the page.
10. In the New Shift window click on the Shift: drop down menu.
11. Click the shift and then click the Select button at the lower right hand corner of the window.
12. Click on the increase arrow for each day of the week you want to create a shift opening for and then click the Create button at the lower right hand corner of the window.
13. When you click the Create button you will get a pop-up question that asks you if you want to Apply to Future Week(s)?
If you have future weeks already created and want to apply the shift openings to those future weeks, click Yes. If you do not, click No.
NOTE: You also have the opportunity to Create additional shifts by clicking on the Create button to the right of the the Shift: field drop down arrow.
14. If clicking the Yes option a SUCCESS banner will let you know that you successfully created requested a new opening(s).
15. You will now see the OPEN shifts for the new opening(s) you just created.