In this article we will go over how to filter the Post Rate Management page and how to add or edit a pay and bill rate.
NOTE: When Creating a New SmartForce Position the pay and bill rate automatically defaults a pay and bill rate rate of $0.00.
- How to Manage a Position Pay and Bill Rate
- How to Add or Edit a Position Pay and Bill Rate
How to Add or Edit a Position Pay and Bill Rate to Take Affect on a Specific Date
How to Add or Edit Any Additional Position Pay and Bill Rate Details
How to Manage a Position Pay and Bill Rate
To manage a position pay and bill rate:
1. Log onto your Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.
2. Hover over the TLM Tab and click Post Rate Management in the TLM Rate Management section.
3. The Post Rate Management page will display all pay and bill rates for all Positions.
NOTE: You can use the Filters on the left hand column of the page to narrow your search of a specific Position.
Business Unit Profile allows you to select or unselect specific Business Units to view the pay and bill rates on.
The Rate Status option allows you to filter and view All, or just Expired, In Effect, or Future bill and pay rates or a specific desired combination. The rate status is displayed in the Rate Status column.
The Is Warning option (clicking yes) allows you to see only bill and pay rates that have a potential problem or issue in the Actions column.
Hovering over the yellow triangle warning icon will explain what the warning is. In this example the payroll rate is higher than the billing rate meaning you would lose money on the job.
Clicking the yellow triangle warning icon will open the position and allow you to correct the issue and save the change.
The Billing Rate Type option allows you to view All or just STRAIGHT, Cost + FLAT or COST + PERCENATGE, or a specific desired combination in the Billing Rate Type column.
NOTE: Clicking the red trashcan icon will delete the effective rate including any changes you may have made.
A pop up warning that the effective rate is removed permanently will require that you acknowledge the warning and proceed or stop the action.
If you proceed by clicking Yes, a green pop up SUCCESS banner will let you know the effective rate was removed.
How to Add or Edit a Position Pay and Bill Rate
1. Log onto your Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.
2. Hover over the TLM Tab and click Post Rate Management in the TLM Rate Management section.
3. The Post Rate Management page will display all pay and bill rates for all Positions.
4. Double click on the Payroll Rate or the Billing Rate.
5. In the pop-up editable fields, add or edit the Payroll and or Billing rates.
6. Once the Payroll and or Billing rates have been added or edited, click the Save button to the right.
How to Add or Edit a Position Pay and Bill Rate to Take Affect on a Specific Date
To add or edit a position pay and bill rate to take effect on a specific date:
1. Click the green circle + icon for a position you would like to add new rates to.
2. This creates 3 editing fields right on the Post Rate Management page and allows you to add or make changes to the Effective Date, Payroll Rate and Billing Rate.
3. Click on the calendar icon to the right of the effective date field in the Effective Date column and select the date you want the new pay rate and or bill rate to go into affect.
4. Once any changes are made click the Save button at the right hand side of the editing fields.
How to Add or Edit Any Additional Position Pay and Bill Rate Details
To add or edit additional position pay and bill rate details:
Option 1
1. Right click anywhere in the horizonal column and in the pop up window click Edit.
Option 2
1. Click the blue paper magnifying glass icon in the Actions column.
NOTE: The individual Post Rate Management page will be in view mode only so you will need to click the Edit button at the bottom right hand corner of the page if you choose this option.
2. Make the desired edits and changes in the appropriate Details section:
Main Details (1)
NOTE: The main details are populated based on the position and not editable.
Overtime Details (2)
Add the Billing Overtime as a rate or factor
Set the Billing Overtime Value: i.e. time and a half = 1.5
Add the 1st payroll overtime as a rate or factor
Set the Payroll overtime value 2: i.e. time and a half = 1.5
Optional: Add the 1st payroll overtime as a rate or factor
Optional: Set the Payroll overtime value 2: i.e. time and a half = 1.5
Holiday Details (3)
Set the Billing Holiday as a Rate or Factor.
Set the Billing Holiday Value: i.e. time and a half = 1.5
Set the Payroll Holiday as a rate or factor
Set the Payroll Holiday Value: i.e. time and a half = 1.5
Rate Details (4)
Create an optional information only Billing Code ID: if desired.
Set the Billing Rate Type.
Set the Billing Rate.
Create an optional information only Payroll Code ID: if desired.
Set the Payroll Rate.
3. Once all edits and changes have been made click the Save (5) button at the lower right hand corner of the page.
4. A green pop up SUCCESS banner will let you know that the edits were made.