Creating a New Smartforce Position

In this article we will go over how to create a new Smartforce position and the additional attributes.

How to Create a New Smartforce Position

To Create a New Smartforce Location

1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2. Hover over the TLM Module and click Position in the Schedule Maintenance section. 


3. Click the Actions drop down menu at the upper right hand side of the page and click Create New.


4. Select a Business UnitCustomer: and select or create a Location:



5. Expand each of the 7 sections and fill out the mandatory fields as indicated with a red asterisk mceclip0.png and the other desired fields.


Main Details (1)


Standard Details (2)


Contact Details (3)


Notes (4)


Punch Rules (5)

  • Rest Period Details
  • Punch Rule Enforced: and Show on Unconfirmed: checkboxes
  • Allow Ranges 
  • Grace Periods 



General Details (6)


Custom Fields (7)


6. Once the desired fields are filled out click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner of the page and a green pop-up SUCCESS banner will let you know that the position has been successfully created. 



Position Additional Attributes


Available Shifts (1)

Clicking the Available Shifts option allows you to create shifts for this position that will be available to place onto the schedule.  


To create an available shift click the Actions drop down arrow and click Create New


Fill in the shift information and click the Save button or click the Save & New to add additional shifts.



Contacts (2)

Clicking the Contacts option allows to to view any existing customer contacts or click the Create New button to add a contact(s) to a customer.


If creating a new contact fill out the desired fields of contact information. 

You have the option to add files to the contact.

Once the information is filled out you can click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner or you can add additional contacts by clicking the Save & New button.


Employee Matrix (3)

Clicking the Employee Matrix option allows you to view any existing employee matrixes set up for this specific location.

An Employee Matrix allows the employee pay or bill rate to be overridden for this position.


Other Pay /Bill Categories (4)

Please see the Help Center Article: Other Pay/Bill Categories.



Qualification (5)

A qualification is a link between a position, an employee and a scheduled shift.

For example: a specific shift at a specific location requires an armed guard. 

Clicking the Qualifications option allows you to view and or create a criteria for a position, an employee and a scheduled shift.


To create a qualification click the Create New button at the top left hand side of the page.

If the position already has qualifications you can click the drop down arrow to view and select from the list.

If the position does not have qualifications click the Create button.



Rate Effective Dates (6)



Vantage Phones (7)

Clicking the Vantage Phones option allows you set up a land line phone number that an employee can call from and clock in. 

NOTE: This is an individual module that is purchased separately. 

To add a vantage phone to clock in from click the Create New button.


Add a land line phone number in the Allowed Vantage Caller ID: field.


Once the allowed Vantage Caller ID number has been added you can click the Save button at  the the lower right hand corner of the page or click the Save & New button to add additional numbers.

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