Approving or Declining an Employee for an Accepted Shift Offer 

In this article we will go over how to approve or decline an employee that has accepted a shift offer.

How to Approve or Decline an Employee for an Accepted Shift Offer

To approve or decline an employee for an accepted shift offer:

1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor

2. Hover over the TLM module and click Business Unit in the Schedule Maintenance section.


3. Click the Schedule Details in the Actions column of the Business Unit you wish to create the shift offer for. 


4. Click the PUBLISHED OFFERS tab.


5. Right click on a published shift offer and click the pop up Detail box.



6. Click on the Shift Offers option in the Additional Attributes section of the Main Form at the left hand side of the page. 


NOTE: Filters on the left make it easy to view and take action on shifts that have been accepted.

7. Click the Review button in the Actions column.



8. In the list of employees who were offered the shift and accepted you can click Approve or Decline in the Actions column to choose an employee to be added to the shift.


NOTE: Once you approve an employee, all others who accepted the offer will be declined. 


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