Time, Labor Management (TLM) Module Overview

In this article we will provide a high level overview of the TLM module.




Important Actions (1)

Create Employee - Clicking on this option allows you to add employees to Smartforce.

Quick Create Customer - Clicking on this option allows you to quickly create a new customer, location and position.

  • Scheduled Week - Clicking on this option gives you a view of all the weeks that have been created in your database.
  • Business Unit - Clicking on this option shows you a list of your business units.  This in turn allows you to either view the business unit schedules, or view the information in the record itself.
  • Customer - Clicking on this option shows a list of your customers, which allows you to either view their schedules, or view the information in the record itself.

Visit Trackforce - This link will take you directly to the GuardTek website. 


Attendance (2)

  • Schedule Change Reason - Clicking on this option allows you to create reasons to use when you make changes to the schedule.

Customer Master (3)

Schedule Maintenance (4)

  • Business Unit - Clicking on this option lists the business units that have been created. 

In the Actions column you can click the Schedule Details button to view the schedule by week and who is scheduled for a specific shift.

Payroll Adjustments (5)

  • Payroll Adjustment - Clicking this option will show you a list of all payroll adjustments that have been created.  You can filter the list to view current or past payroll adjustments, and can even create new ones.

Location Master (6)

Time Collection (7)

Employee TLM Master (8)

  • Employee TLM Profile - Clicking here will give you a list of all employees.  Clicking an employee will bring you into their TLM profile.

Position Master (9)

  • Position Qualifications - Clicking here will give you a list of positions that have a qualification assigned to them.  You can also assign new qualifications to positions from here.

TLM Rate Management (10)

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