In this article we will go over what the Smartforce scheduling filters are and how to quickly identify what the schedule details are based on the quick view Smartforce color coded system.
- How to View the Smartforce Schedule Filters
- Filters - Shift Type
Filters - Schedule Status
- Quick view
- Open
- Unconfirmed
At Work - Confirmed In
At Work - At Meal
At Work - At Break
At Work - Confirmed Out
At Work - Temporary Remove
- Quick view
- Filters - Shift Offers
- Filters - Variances
- Filters - Exceptions
How to View the Smartforce Schedule Filters
To view the Smartforce schedule filters:
1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.
2. Hover over the TLM Module and click Business Unit in the Schedule Maintenance hierarchy section.
NOTE: The schedule details can also be accessed through each level, customer, location and position.
3. Click on the Schedule Details button.
4. The Filters section is on the right hand side of the page.
Filters - Shift Type
Clicking on the Shift Type drop down menu will allow you to click on and view only Permanent, Temporary or to click on both and view both Permanent and Temporary shifts for that week.
Filters - Schedule Status
Clicking the Schedule Status drop down menu will allow you to click on and view only Open and or Unconfirmed scheduled shifts.
There is also the ability to click on and view single and multiple At Work statuses.
NOTE: Each status is color coded for each shift for quick glance reference.
Open (1)
These a shifts that have been created but that have not yet had an officer assigned to cover the shift.
Unconfirmed (2)
These are shifts that have not had an officer log any time clock activity.
At Work - Confirmed In (3)
These are shifts that have had an officer clock in and are working the shift.
At Work - At Meal (4)
These are shifts that are being covered but that the officer is currently on a meal break.
At Work - At Break (5)
These are shifts that are being covered but that the officer is currently on a break.
At Work - Confirmed Out (6)
These are shifts that were completed and that the officer clock out within the specified shift time frame.
At Work - Temporary Remove (7)
These are shifts that were created to be a permanent shift but is being removed temporarily.
Filters - Shift Offers
Clicking the Shift Offers drop down menu will allow you to click on and view only Published Offers to work a shift(s).
Filters - Variances
Clicking the Variances drop down menu will allow you to click on and view only shifts that had time punches of officers that clocked In Early, In Late, Out Early or Out Late.
It is any specified variant of the shift hours listed.
A shift that has a time punch variance will be color coded light blue.
Filters - Exceptions
Clicking the Exceptions drop down menu will allow you to click on and view all shifts with exceptions or only shifts that had the following exceptions:
- Hours
- Rates
- Earnings
- Hours
- Rates
Shifts with exceptions are signified with an orange triangle hazard icon.
For a detailed explanation of how to create an exception please see the Help Center article: Understanding and Managing the Pay Rate Hierarchy (Exceptions sub-heading).