HR Module Overview

In this article we will provide a general overview of the HR module.

To access the HR Module:

1. Log onto your Trackforce Valiant web portal.

2. Hover over or click on the HR module and click on the desired Important Actions.


Employee HR Profile


Option 1 - Clicking on the Employee HR Profile button will display all Employees added in the system and allow you to Keyword Search for an employee by name or filter by Business Unit Profile, Active, Pay Type or Hire Date.


Option 2 -Left click on Employee:


Option 3 - Right click on Employee:


NOTE: An employee has 5 different profiles in the system.

1. Employee HR Profile - all HR related information by division(s).  You can deactivate an employee in a single division in the case of multiple divisions assigned.

2. Employee Personal Profile  - employees personal information

3. Employee Company Profile - EIN level Information.  Typically used when fully terminating an employee since it shuts off access to all assigned divisions. 

4. Employee Payroll Profile - (Payroll Module)

5. Employee TLM Profile - All TLM related information by division(s).  You can deactivate an employee in a single division in the case of multiple divisions assigned.


Quick Hire



Hire New Employee


HR Module


Onboarding (1)  

Leave (2) 

Employee (3)  

Employment Processes (4)

Employment (5) 



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