In this article we will go over the customer billing and customer payroll settings as well as additional attributes and how you can edit them for a customer.
- How to Manage Customer Billing Settings
- How to Manage Customer Payroll Settings
- How to Manage Customer Additional Attributes
How to Manage Customer Billing Settings
NOTE: For a more detailed understanding of Customer Billing Settings please see the Help Center Article: Understanding The Customer Billing Settings
To manage the customer billing settings:
1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.
2. Hover over the TLM Module and click Customer in the Schedule Maintenance section.
3. Click on the customer you want to manage the customer billing settings for.
4. In the Main Form section at the left hand side of the page click Billing Settings in the Related Information sub-section.
5. The Main tab has 7 individuals sections of information in a viewable format.
To view the information of any section click the expand button on the left.
The Accounts Receivable tab has 2 individuals sections of information in a viewable format.
6. To edit the information of any section click the Edit button on the bottom right hand side of the page.
This will open the information fields and allow you to edit.
7. Once all sections have been filled out as desired click the Save button at the bottom right hand side of the page.
8. A green SUCCESS banner will let you know that the Location has been successfully created.
How to Manage Customer Payroll Settings
To manage the customer billing settings:
1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.
2. Hover over the TLM Module and click Customer in the Schedule Maintenance section.
3. Click on the customer you want to manage the customer payroll settings for.
4. In the Main Form section at the left hand side of the page click Payroll Settings in the Related Information sub-section.
5. The Payroll Settings are displayed in a viewable format.
6. To Manage the payroll settings click the Edit button at the bottom right hand corner of the page.
This will open up the editable check box for Midnight Cut Off.
7. Check the box for midnight cut off or uncheck it (blank) for no midnight cut off then click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner of the page.
8. A green pop up SUCCESS banner will let you know that the payroll settings were saved successfully.
How to Manage Customer Additional Attributes
To manage customer additional attributes:
1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.
2. Hover over the TLM Module and click Customer in the Schedule Maintenance section.
3. Click on the customer you want to manage the customer billing settings for.
4. In the Main Form section at the left hand side of the page click expand the Additional Attributes sub-section.
5. There are 6 individual additional attributes you can view and edit.
Contacts (1)
Clicking the Contacts option allows to to view any existing customer contacts or click the Create New button to add a contact(s) to a customer.
If creating a new contact fill out the desired fields of contact information.
You have the option to add files to the contact.
Once the information is filled out you can click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner or you can add additional contacts by clicking the Save & New button.
Contracts (2)
Clicking the Contracts option allows to to view any existing customer contracts or click the Create New button to add a contract(s) to a customer.
If creating a new contact fill out the desired fields of contract information.
Once the information is filled out you can click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner or you can add additional contracts by clicking the Save & New button.
Locations (3)
Clicking the locations option allows to to view any existing customer locations or click the Actions drop down and the clicking the Create New button to add a location(s) to a customer.
NOTE: For a detailed step by step explanation of adding locations please see the Help Center article Creating a New Smartforce Location.
If creating a new location for a customer fill out the desired fields of location information. There are 10 individual expanding and collapsible sections.
The mandatory fields will be marked with a red asterisk
Main Details (1) It is recommended as a best practice when creating a Location Name to include a part of the Customer name. For example: ABC Phones has 10 Locations - a recommended Location would be ABC - 123 Main.
Address Details (3) Even though the address field in the Address Details section is not marked with a red asterisk it is necessary to fill in the complete address.
Once all the desired information is filled out you can click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner or you can add additional locations by clicking the Save & New button.
Forbidden Employees (4)
For a detailed explanation of this feature please see the Help Center article: Adding and managing Forbidden Employees
Clicking the forbidden employees option allows to to view any existing employees that are forbidden from working for a customer or to click the Create New button to add an employee(s) that is forbidden from working for a customer
If creating a new employee forbidden to work for a customer fill out the desired fields of contract information.
Once the information is filled out you can click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner or you can add additional forbidden employees by clicking the Save & New button.
Split Invoice Options (5)
Clicking the Split Invoice Options option allows to to view any existing split invoice options or click the Create New button to add a split invoice option to a customer.
If creating a new split invoice option fill out the desired fields.
Once the information is filled out you can click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner or you can add additional split invoice options by clicking the Save & New button.
Employee Matrix (6)
Clicking the Employee Matrix option allows you to view any existing employee matrixes set up for this specific customer.
An Employee Matrix allows the employee pay rate to be overridden for this customer.
How to Create an Employee Matrix is discussed in another Help Center Article.
General Details (1)
Billing Details (2)
Payroll Details (3)
Once the information is filled out you can click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner or you can add additional employee matrixes by clicking the Save & New button.