In this article we will go over how to create a new Smartforce employee.
How to Create a New Smartforce Employee
To create a new Smartforce employee:
1. Log into the Portal at and enter your Admin or Supervisor Username and Password, then click Sign In
2. Hover over the TLM Module and click the blue Create Employee button at the left of the page in the Important Actions section.
NOTE: Mandatory fields on the Payroll Adjustment page will be indicated with a red asterisk
3. Enter in the Employee’s Social Security Number
(Note: This field validates the employees Social Security Number. If an incorrect SSN is entered, you will not be able to move forward)
After you have entered the Valid Social Security Number, click Apply
4. Click the drop down arrow of the Business Unit field and then click the Business Unit Name the employee is going to be assigned to and click Select.
5. The Company, Department, Job, and Status, fields will auto populate when you select the Business Unit
If you have not chosen to have your Employee No to be on auto populate, you will be asked to manually enter in the Employee number.
NOTE: Employee No is a required filed and if you do not enter in a number into this field, you will receive an error message.
6. Enter the new Employee’s Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial (if applicable)
7. Enter the Employee’s Mailing Address.
For employees residing in the United States fill in the address fields with the Foreign check box blank.
For employees residing outside of the United States click on the Foreign checkbox and fill in the additional address fields.
8. Enter the Employee’s Email Address and Phone Number
Please note that this field is not required but it is necessary if you choose to use the Employee Self Service (ESS) feature
9. Enter the Employee’s Hire Date, Original Hire Date, and Seniority Date
Hire Date is typically used if or when an employee is rehired.
Original Hire Date is typically used to identify the date when the employee was first hired with the company.
Seniority Date is typically used if you have incumbent employees whose seniority is greater than the date they started with your company or on the contract.
10. Select the Pay Type
11. Select the Payment Method
12. You have the option to enter the Employee’s Regular Rate or Base Rate and Regular Hours
Please note that the Regular Rate can be overridden according to hierarchy that you choose to set up the system with
13. You have the option to choose the Gender
14. The EEOC Code will auto populate based on your system settings (usually “Service Workers” is chosen for Security Officers)
15. You have the option to choose the Ethnicity
16. Enter the Date of Birth
Please note that this field is not required but it is necessary if you choose to use the Employee Self Service (ESS) feature
17. Click Save once all the employee’s information has been entered and an employee record will be created.