In this article we will go over how to create a new earning type.
How to Create a New Earning Type
To create a new earning type:
1. Log onto the web portal as an admin or supervisor.
2. Click on TLM, then click on Payroll Adjustment option under the Payroll Adjustments subheading.
3. On the Payroll Adjustment page click the Create New button at the upper right hand corner of the page.
4. On the Payroll Adjustment page click the Create button next to the Earning Type field in the Details section.
5. In the Create Earning Type window fill in the desired fields.
Business Unit: (1)
Click the Business Unit: drop down menu then choose a Business Unit and then click the Select button at the bottom right hand corner of the window.
Description: (2)
Type in a Description of the new earning type you are creating.
Approval Require: (3)
Clicking the optional Approval Require: checkbox will ..................
Earning Type: (4)
Type in an Earning Type:
NOTE: You are limited to 10 characters in this field.
Exception Earning Types: (5)
Clicking the optional Exception Earning Types: checkbox will ..................
HRIS Business Unit Accrual: (6)
You have the option to select HRIS Business Unit Accrual from a drop down menu of existing Business Units or to create one.