Settings Module Overview

In this article we will share a high level overview of the Settings module.



Important Actions (1)

Users - Displays a list of users that have been created with access to your database.  Users are management level employees using the system.  You can create new ones here.

User Groups - Displays a list of user groups that have been created for your database.  User groups provide access to the system.

Role Group -  Shows a list of role groups that have been created for your database.  Role groups are added to user groups to give access to items in the system.

Data Filter Group - Gives a list of data filters created for your database.  Data filters separate access by business units.

Security Groups Assigned - Gives a list of the security groups that have been assigned to users.

Assignments (2)

Security Groups Assigned - Gives a list of the security groups that have been assigned to users.

Security (3)

List of Application Users And Permissions Level - Back end security settings. Not accessible at this time.

Client Portal Security Group - Back end security settings. Not accessible at this time.

Security Group (4)

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