Understanding Punch Rules in Smartforce

In this article we will overview the punch rules feature in Smartforce and go over creating punch rules in each section of the Punch Rules module tab. 

What is a Punch Rule?

A Punch Rule is a way to enable the regulation of how early and late an employee can log in or out of a shift. 

For example: creating a Punch In Rule of "15" (minutes) prevents an employee from clocking in more than 16 minutes prior to the start of a shift and in affect "stealing" overtime if they were to clock in early.

Punch In rule created at the Business Unit level view:


Punch In rule created at the Customer, Location, Position level view:



This same principle can be applied to clocking in late and clocking out early or late. 


What is a Grace Period?

Closely related, you have the option to create additional Grace Periods - which allow an employee to clock in within a specific time range and have the time stamp round up to a specific time increment.

For example: adding a Punch in Grace Period End: time of 5 minutes means that of an employee clocks in at 08:05 for a 08:00 shift start time, the time stamp would be for 08:00.

In the screen shot below the punch in Grace Periods are set to 5 minutes before and after the start time of a shift and the punch out Grace Periods are set to15 minutes before and after the end of a shift. 

This means that a clock-in within 10 minutes (5 before and 5 after) of the scheduled start of shift will count as though the employee punched in "on time." (for an 8:00 clock in time in this example, any clock in between 7:55 and 8:05 will have a clock time of 8:00)

In this same screen shot below scenario, a clock-out within 30 minutes (15 before and 15 after) of the scheduled end of shift will count toward the same pay period.  (for an 5:00 clock out time in this example, any clock in between 4:45 and 5:15 will have a clock time of 5:00)


Grace Periods created at the Business Unit level view:


Grace Periods created at the Customer, Location, Position level view:



How to Add a Punch Rule at the Business Unit Level

To add punch rules at the Business Unit level - Option 2:

1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2.  Hover over or click on the TLM module 

3. Click on the Business Unit option under the Schedule Maintenance category.


4. Click on the Business Unit profile you want to add a punch rule for.


5. On the Business Unit Profile page click the TLM Settings option in the Main Form section.


6. The Allow Ranges section displays the time range in minutes that an employee is allowed to punch in or out of their shift.

Click on the Edit button at the bottom right hand corner.


7. In the Allow Ranges section you type in the desired range in minutes. 

If you are editing the range you can also use the higher or lower buttons to adjust the range.


Grace Period

Closely related to the Allow Range settings is the Grace Periods section.

The Grace Periods allow you to select a time frame that an employee can clock in or out of a shift and still have their time punch be the listed shift start or end time. 



8. Once the punch in and out ranges have been selected or adjusted click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner of the page.


Adding Punch Rules at the Customer, Location and Position Levels

NOTE: In the Schedule Maintenance hierarchy adding punch rules at the Customer level will override any punch rules created at the Business Unit level.  Subsequently, adding punch rules at the Location level will override any punch rules created at the Customer level and adding punch rules at the Position level will override any punch rules created at the Location level if the Punch Rule Enforced checkbox is checked.

To add a punch rule at the Customer, Location or Position level:

1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2.  Hover over or click on the TLM module 

3. Click on the desired Customer, Location or Position level in the hierarchy option under the Schedule Maintenance category.


4. Click on the Customer, Location or Position based on the hierarchy level you want to set up the punch rules for:



Then click Punch Rules under the Customer Form section of the Main Form on the left hand side of the page.

On the Punch Rules page click the Edit button at the lower left hand side of the page.


5. Add the Punch Rules and or Grace Periods. 


NOTE: The ON / OFF toggle allows you to have the Punch Rules Enforced and also disable individual Allow Ranges and Grace Periods to be turned OFF and not enforced.  If turned off, they will default to the higher level setting.




Then click Punch Rules under the Location Form section of the Main Form on the left hand side of the page.

On the Punch Rules page click the Edit button at the lower left hand side of the page.



5.  Fill out the applicable sections:

Add the Punch Rules (3) and or Grace Periods (4)

NOTE: At the Location level you also have the additional options to add rules for Break Settings (1) this is typically not used.  If you would like to learn more or set up Break Settings please contact your Success Manager. 

There is also the option for Geofencing (2).  However, this feature is for use with the Valiant Mobile App - NOT for use with m-Post. 

The Geo Fencing: field is numerically populated in miles.  For mile increments use a period.  For example a half mile would be indicated as .5 and a quarter mile would be indicated as .25





Then click Punch Rules under the Position Form section of the Main Form on the left hand side of the page.


On the Punch Rules page click the Edit button at the lower left hand side of the page.

NOTE: At the Position level you also have the additional options to add rules for Rest Period Details (1) however this is typically not used.  If you would like to learn more or set up Rest Period Details please contact your Success Manager.

5. Add the Punch Rules (2) and or Grace Periods (3)

6. Once the Punch Rules have been created click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner of the page. 


7. A green pop up SUCCESS banner will let you know that the Punch Rules were added to the Customer, Location or Position


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