In this article we will go over how to create a data filter and add a business unit to a data filter.
NOTE: Data Filters are the Business Units that Users can see
How to Create a Data Filter
1. Log onto your Trackforce Valiant web portal.
2. Hover over or click on the Settings module and click Data Filter Group in the Important Actions column at the left hand side of the page.
3. In the upper right hand corner of the Data Filter Group page you can click the Create New (1) button or click the Actions (2) drop down and then click the Create New (2) option
4. Click on the Data Filter Group field and type in a name that will be easily recognized or easily searchable.
TIP / BEST PRACTICE: It is recommended that you use the company name or initials - the business unit or division. For example xyz security operating in NY, NJ, and PA might create a Data Filter Group: XYZ - NY. If there are multiple divisions or business units it is recommended to name the Data Filter Group accordingly: i.e. XYZ - NY - NJ or XYZ - NY - NJ - PA.
5. Click on the Description multi-line field and describe the group or its function.
NOTE: It is recommended that the description follow the same naming convention best practices as the Data Filter Group.
6. Once the Data Filter group has been named and given a description click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner.
7. The Data Filter has been created.
NOTE: A newly created Data Filter is blank:
How to Add a Business Unit(s) to a Data Filter Group
To add a business unit to a data filter:
1. Log onto your Trackforce Valiant web portal.
2. Hover over or click on the Settings module and click Data Filter Group in the Important Actions column at the left hand side of the page.
3. Locate the Data Filter Group you want to add Business Units to and left click on it.
4. Click on the Actions drop down in the upper right hand corner and click Add New Filter.
5. In the Security Filter Creation Template section click on the Assignment Level (1) drop down menu and select Business Unit.
NOTE: In some rare circumstances you may select one of the other drop down selections other than Business Unit.
The Federal EIN Master (2) drop down will auto populate.
6. In the Business Unit drop down menu you can select a single Business Unit Name or on multiple Business Unit Names by clicking the checkbox(es) next to the business unit name(s) you want to add to the Data Filter and then click on the Select button at the bottom right hand corner.
NOTE: When the Business Unit option is selected in the Assignment Level drop down menu the Customer and Department drop down menu fields will be grayed out and be non-functional.
7. Once the Business Unit: has been selected click on the Add New Filter button at the bottom right hand corner.
8. A green checkmark SUCCESS banner will let you know that the Business Unit(s) have been successfully added.