Removing Multiple Shifts and Multiple Shift Assignments

In this article we will go over how to remove multiple permanent or temporary shifts and how to remove multiple permanent or temporary shift assignments.  

How to Remove Multiple Permanent or Temporary Shifts

To remove multiple permanent or temporary Shifts:

1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2. Hover over the TLM Module and click the Business Unit option in the Schedule Maintenance section.


3. Click the Schedule Details button in the Actions column of the Business Unit you want to remove a permanent shift for.


4. Click the Bulk Selections drop down menu on the far right hand side of the page and click Remove Opening


5. Click on Permanent or Temporary depending on the shift type you want to remove.


6. Clicking on a permanent shift will turn the button orange and add it as a counted selection.

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7. Repeat the process for all shift you want to remove and then click the blue Apply button in the Bulk Selections box.  

8. A pop up window will ask you to confirm that you would like to remove the shift and that any permanently assigned employees will also be removed.


9. Clicking NO will take you back to the Bulk Selection options and clicking YES will produce a SUCCESS pop-up banner letting you the schedule opening(s) were removed.



How to Remove Multiple Permanent or Temporary Shift Assignments 

To remove multiple permanent or temporary shift assignments:

1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2. Hover over the TLM Module and click the Business Unit option in the Schedule Maintenance section.


3. Click the Schedule Details button in the Actions column of the Business Unit you want to remove a permanent shift for.


4. Click the Bulk Selections drop down menu on the far right hand side of the page and click Unassign Employee.


5. Click on Permanent or Temporary depending on the employee type you want to remove.


6. Clicking on a permanent shift assignment will turn the button orange and add it as a counted selection.

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7. Repeat the process for all shift assignments you want to remove and then click the blue Apply button in the Bulk Selections box.  

8. A pop up window will ask you to provide a performance tracking reason why you would like to remove the employee(s) from the shift assignment.


9. Select a reason by clicking the Performance Tracking: drop down menu and then click Select at the bottom right hand corner. 


10. This will take you back to the Bulk Remove Employee(s) page.  Click the Bulk Remove Employee(s) button at the bottom right hand corner. 

11. A green pop-up SUCCESS banner will let you know that the employee has been removed from the shift assignment.


12.  The shift assignment will now be removed and the shift will now remain as open.




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