In this article we will go over what open and temporary shifts and shift assignments look like and the option of viewing and changing a shift as permanent or temporary and the option of viewing and changing a shift assignment permanent or temporary.
NOTE: You should first have created a shift in order to use these options. To review how to create a shift please see the Help Center article: Understanding the Basic Method for Creating a New Shift
Schedule Details Quick Glance
Permanent Shift
A permanent shift is defined as a shift that will reoccur each time you create a new week. It is visible as a white button by the day of the week.
Temporary Shift
A temporary shift is visible a a yellow button by the day of the week.
Permanent Shift Assignment
A permanent shift assignment will reoccur each time you create a new week. It is visible as a white button by the day of the week with the permanent officer assigned.
Temporary Shift Assignment
A temporary shift assignment is visible as a white button with a yellow highlighted TEMP by the day of the week with the temporary officer assigned.
How to Manage a Shift Assignment (Temporary or Permanent)
To manage a shift assignment:
1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.
2. Hover over the TLM Module and click the Business Unit option in the Schedule Maintenance section.
3. Click on the Schedule Details button in the Actions column of the Business Unit you want to manage.
4. Click on the 3 horizontal dots in the shift you want to assign and click Assign Employee.
5. When you assign the employee click the Permanent Or Temporary drop down menu and select your desired shift assignment.
6. A green SUCCESS banner will let you know the assignment was successful.
NOTE: When assigning a Temporary Shift it does not matter if the assignment is temporary or permanent as the shift will not reoccur when creating a new week.