Smartforce Business Unit Setup Overview

In this article we will go over the basic set up procedures for creating punch rules, rounding rules, Setting a starting invoice number, adding a logo and creating the TLM rate hierarchy. 

Adding / Editing Punch Rules

What is a Punch Rule?

Punch rules enable the regulation of how early and late an employee can log in or out of a shift.  For example: Setting the Punch in Allow Range before Shift Start: to "15" (minutes) prevents an employee from clocking in more than 16 minutes prior to the start of a shift and in affect "stealing" overtime if they were to clock in 

To add or edit punch rules:

1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2.  Hover over or click on the Company module 

3. Click on the Business Units option under the Important Actions category.


4. Right click on the Business Unit profile you want to add a punch rule for.


5. In the pop up window menu click the Show option.


6. On the Business Unit Profile page click the TLM Settings option in the Main Form section.


7. The Allow Ranges section displays the time range in minutes that an employee is allowed to punch in or out of their shift.

Click on the Edit button at the bottom right hand corner.


8. In the Allow Ranges section you type in the desired range in minutes. 

If you are editing the range you can also use the higher or lower buttons to adjust the range.


9. Once the punch in and out ranges have been selected or adjusted click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner of the page.

Grace Period

Closely related to the Allow Range settings is the Grace Periods section.

The Grace Periods allow you to select a time frame that an employee can clock in or out of a shift and still be considered "on time". 



For Example:

In the screen shot below the punch in Grace Periods are set to 5 minutes before and after the start time of a shift and the punch out Grace Periods are set to15 minutes before and after the end of a shift. 

This means that a clock-in within 10 minutes (5 before and 5 after) of the scheduled start of shift will count toward the same pay period. (for an 8:00 clock in time in this example, any clock in between 7:55 and 8:05 will have a clock time of 8:00)

In this same screen shot below scenario, a clock-out within 30 minutes (15 before and 15 after) of the scheduled end of shift will count toward the same pay period.  (for an 5:00 clock out time in this example, any clock in between 4:45 and 5:15 will have a clock time of 5:00)




Adding Rounding Rules 

What is a Rounding Rule?

Rounding rules are scheduling parameters and enable you to set the grace period of a clock in or clock out.

To add rounding rules:

NOTE: If you are continuing on from adding or editing a punch rule, skip to step 5

1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2.  Hover over or click on the Company module 

3. Click on the Business Units option under the Important Actions category.


4. Left click on the Business Unit profile you want to add a rounding rule for.


5. On the Business Unit Profile page, click the Actions drop down menu at the upper right hand corner and click Set Rounding Rules.


6. On the DivisionMaseter SetRoundingRules Template select the desired rounding options:

Rounding at Calculation (1) - Sets the rounding to take place after calculating payroll and/or billing.

Rounding at Confirmation (2) - Sets the rounding to take place after an employee is confirmed on the schedule.

Leaving both blank will set the system to automatically apply rounding rules to everything on the schedule.  This is the default configuration.


Rounding Rule Selection (3) - If the client wants rounding rules it should be set to 15 minutes - Rounding-15.


7.  Once the rounding rules have been selected click the Set Rounding Rules (4) button at the bottom right hand corner of the window.

8. A pop up green SUCCESS banner will let you know the rounding rule has been successfully created.


NOTE: If you do not have permissions to create rounding rules a pop up Security window will give you the option to click on show why to see the permission needed.



If you try to add a rounding rule without permission you will get an Error banner.



Setting the Starting Invoice Number

To set the starting invoice number:

1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2.  Hover over or click on the Company module 

3. Click on the Business Units option under the Important Actions category.


4. Right click on the Business Unit profile you want to set the starting invoice number for.


5. In the pop up window options select Set Starting Invoice Nbr.


6. In the DivisionMaster SetStartingINvoiceNbr Template type in (or use the higher / lower number buttons) the starting invoice number and then click the Set Starting Invoice Nbr button at the button right hand corner.



Adding a Company Logo

To add a company logo:

NOTE:  Before you can upload the clients logo you will need to request a Jpeg from the client and download it. 

1. Log onto the Trackforce Valiant web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2.  Hover over or click on the Administration module 

3. In the Important Actions section click on the blue Client button.


4. Locate the client you want to add a logo for and right click on the client profile.


5. In the pop up options box click Edit


6. On the Clients page click the Browse button for the Login Area Image: and Client Logo: individually.


7. Upload the client's logo.

8.  Once the logo has been uploaded for both the Login Area Image: and Client Logo: individually, click the Save button at the bottom right hand corner of the page. 


TLM Rate Hierarchy



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