In this article we will go over the TLM Division Settings.
- What are Division Settings?
- Accessing Division Settings
- Customer Tab
- Employee Tab
- Look Up Tab
- System Tab
- Vantage Tab
- Location Copy Setup
- Post Copy Setup
What are Division Settings?
Before you start to add employees, customers, and building schedules you need to set up your Division
This function allows system setting modifications on a global level for each Division. These settings include database field labels, display characteristics, default sorting, scheduling, and employee identification methods.
Accessing Division Settings
Select Division Settings from the Tools menu to display the Division Settings window.
In order to edit any information, select the Edit button at the bottom right of the Division Settings Screen.
By selecting Edit you can now change the information in each of the tabs at the top and select the save button when completed (Floppy Disk Icon).
If you are editing and need to undo what you have just done since selecting the Edit button, select the blue arrow and it will bring you back to view mode and undo any recent changes.
Customer Tab
The below screenshot highlights 5 field areas used on the Customer tab. Fields not highlighted are due to
Puerto Rico rules and are covered in the Puerto Rico set up documents.
1. Sorting By: This specifies the default sorting of Customers in the application by selecting the desired sequence from the drop-down box.
2. Customized Labels: Throughout your Division there are several Masters (Employee, Customer, Location, Post, etc.) and this area allows you to customize the fields that show up in those masters
Important Note: These customized fields are for the screens only and will not show up on reports.
3. Confirm Meal Time: If this check box is selected, users can confirm Start and End times in the schedule.
If this check box is selected:
To confirm Meal time, right click on employee in schedule Confirm Meal/Stops
Enter in the Meal Start, Meal End, and Total Hours to be deducted
NOTE: The Total Hours box will automate to the tour default meal time. If the Total Hours box reads 0, no time will be deducted from their tour for payment purposes even if the Meal Start/End time lasts for an hour.
If this check box is NOT selected:
When you right click on the employee in the schedule Confirm Meal/Stops the below window will pop up for you to determine the meal length time.
Just as before, if there is a default meal the default meal time will auto-populate.
4. Meal Time at __th Hour: This field determines what hour of your employee’s shift a default meal will come out.
If the Meal Time at is not zero, the system deducts the meal break at the specified time for both rate differentials and holidays. (This rule will be applied to all overtime calculations.)
If the Meal Time at is zero, the system deducts the meal break at the beginning of the shift. For example, on a 5:30AM-3:00PM shift, a standard meal break of .5 hours (if assigned) will deduct at the 5:30-6AM slot.
(This could be problematical when a rate differential is in effect during part of the shift, such as an 11:00PM – 6:00AM rate differential. For the period from 5:30-6:00AM in the above example, the rate differential should apply, but since the system deducts the meal break at that time, which is the
beginning of the shift, the rate differential is not applied. You can avoid this situation by specifying the Meal Time at.)
5. Return Email Info: If you send invoice notices to customers via email, the Return Email Info appears in the Cc: area of the email notice. Enter the Name of your accounts receivable or other contact person and their email address in the related fields
Employee Tab
The Employee tab allows changes to the display of the number of characters in the employee ID for reporting\ purposes and display screens, sets the default sorting of employees, provides for a user-defined database table and associated entries, and OSHA-related parameters. Red boxes are commonly used fields. Boxes in Blue will only be visible if the HR Extension Tab is turned ‘on’.
1. Employee No/SSN – Number of digits: For privacy purposes this field limits to the number of characters displayed on reports and application screens. Enter the desired number directly into the associated text box. The impact on screens and reports is as follows:
All screens in Vision that show the employee number or SSN will be masked if this field is less than 9. For example, a 4-digit number will display as “*****1234”. (In Vault, only the Employee Master and its sub-screens will be masked.)
The system will only show all nine digits on the Employee Master. Users must have the permissions, and the fields must have the focus (see Permissions below).
When users search by employee number or SSN, they just need to enter, for example, the last 4 digits of the employee number or SSN. The number of digits will depend on the division settings.
List employee screens will sort by, for example, the last 4 digits of the employee number or SSN if the screens provide the sorting functions. Again, the number of digits will depend on the division settings.
All Reports and the Vision Report Master screen will only show, for example, the last 4 digits of the employee number or SSN (“1234”). They don’t show “*” at all.
Users need to get the permissions of “Emp No Edit” and “Emp SSnum Edit” for viewing all digits of the employee number and SSN when users edit the data on the Employee Master. These permissions have been set in both Vision and Vault.
The fields must have the focus, and then the system will display all digits.
When the fields lose the focus, the system will mask the digits again.
When users add a new employee record, users only need to get the permission of “EmpNew” to enter the Employee No and SSN
2. Sorting By: Default sorting of employees throughout the application is determined by making the
desired selection from this drop-down box.
3. Employee No: This is a unique identification number (up to nine digits) assigned to each employee.
Select "Social Security Number" if that will be used as the Employee No. in the Employee Master.
Select "Auto Number" to have Vision assign an Employee No automatically when you add a new employee in the Employee Master.
Enter the Initial No to ensure that the Vision-assigned number will start at the next number in sequence
Important Note: If employees exist in the system already and have been assigned Employee Numbers, the system will not respect the ‘Initial No’ added on the Division Settings if it is lower than the highest existing Employee No. In this scenario it will increase from the highest numeric value currently in the system.
Select "Enter Manually" to enter an Employee\ No manually when you add a new employee in the Employee Master.
4. Auto Assign Clock Number/Last Clock Number: When set , Auto Assign Clock Number will generate a clock number automatically when creating a new employee (this feature is then set in all divisions). This number will populate the Clock Number field in the Vision Employee Master.
Entering a number in the Last Clock Number field ensures that the auto-assigned number will start at the next number in sequence.
5. User Defined Fields: These fields will only appear if the HR Extension is turned ‘on’
These fields label the boxes for text in the ‘UserDefined’ drop-down in the Employee Master to further define an employee record in Vision.
6. OSHA Fields: These fields will only appear if the HR Extension is turned ‘on’
Select OSHA300 Auto No to automatically number all OSHA-related cases. When automatic numbering is selected, The Last Case No will be displayed. Edit the case number, if needed, to correspond with existing records. The system will then automatically assign the next consecutive number to any future case.
OSHA Max Days: The maximum number of days (currently 180) of restricted work activity or days away from work, reached by an injured employee, after which they no longer need to be counted in OSHA 300 reporting.
If desired, select the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code from the drop-down list
Lookup Tab
Settings in the Lookup tab allow changes to the different, user-defined labels used throughout the various master files for display purposes. In addition, division-wide responses to licensing or training conflicts can be set.
Also, to accommodate users with Divisions in different time zones, when a time zone is specified for each Division, the system notes the logged-in user’s time zone and shows the adjusted schedule time on the schedule’s Unconfirmed tab for all division time zones.
1. Custom Labels: Used for more user defined tables in this division *Will not show on reports
2. Format Features: Define your date format, Phone Format, and Currency Symbol for this division
3. Division Timezone: Choose the appropriate Timezone this division is associated with. This field accommodates users in companies with multiple Divisions crossing multiple time zones when viewing “All Divisions’ Unconfirmed” in the Unconfirmed tab of the Schedule. When a Division Time Zone is specified for each Division, the system notes the logged-in user’s time zone and shows the adjusted schedule time on the Unconfirmed tab for all division time zones
4. License and Training Criteria: These are Divisional settings – If there is a check box next to any of these items it will indicate that any employee you intend to schedule will need to have that License and/or Training assigned to them. If this is checked off, employees will not be visible when assigning to the schedule if the License box filter is checked off if they don’t have the license or if the license is expired.
To specify the system’s response when a new week is created, right-click on the desired License or Training criteria and select the system’s response from the drop-down list. This selection will need to be changed on each License or Training if desired. When the action is completed, it will only affect those that have this license associated with their record.
Important Notes:
The Training Criteria is Database wide, not Division wide. This means if one Division has this Training set up and checked, it will be done everywhere.
This is for all employees. If any of the license or training is checked, all employees would have to have that license or training record in their master or they will not show up to be scheduled.
System Tab
1. Division Description displays the name of the currently selected Division. View Only
2. Refresh Schedule will refresh the information on the main Schedule screen based on the minutes
3. Employee Window affects the availability list by requiring a designated minimum number of hours
between scheduled tours when assigning employees. For scheduling flexibility, most users set this at
Example: ‘Reno, J’ is working from 01:00 – 08:00. If the division setting for Employee Window is 2 (hours), you will receive the below error message when trying to schedule her for 09:00- 17:00 on the same day because more than 2 hours have not passed since the end of her last shift.
However, if the first shift ends early at 07:00 you will be able to assign Reno, J to the next shift at 09:00 because 2 hour window has passed
4. Max Hours (Week) determines which employees appear on the Availability List based on the total
number of hours already scheduled for the week. This occurs when using the Assign Employee functions from the Schedule when the Maximum filter is turned on.
Example: If the Max Hours (Week) is set to 40 hours and the Maximum filter is checked, and you are using the Assign Employee function to fill an 8-hour tour, the Availability List will only present employees with 32 hours or less for the week. This prevents any scheduling of unintended overtime hours and controls payroll costs.
5. Archive Start Month/Week: [Features not in service at this time]
6. Work History Level and ___ Days: These fields define the level (None, Customer, Location, Post) and time frame (Number of Days) of the ‘Work History’ filter when choosing to assign an employee to a shift. If the filter is checked on the Assign Employee screen and the settings on the Division Settings screen read ‘Customer’ and 90 Days, it will only show employees who have worked at that customer in the last 90 days to choose from to be assigned to the schedule.
7. Default Tour Length: This setting is defaulted at 8 hours. It will not automate your tour times to 8 hours and it will not stop you from creating tours that have more or less than 8 hours. This setting is used with the call-in system and biometric clocks create a shift function to determine the length of the shift that is created.
8. Daylight Saving: This window shows the Start and End data for daylight saving to automatically adjust the schedule plus and minus for a specified period in hours based upon the Month, Week and Day settings. These settings reflect current government policy and are maintained by Valiant. View Only
9. Federal EIN is the division’s Federal Employee Identification Number. View Only
10. Display Location Line: Below are some visible representations and/or examples of how the appearance will change based on this setting being changed. ‘Hours’ is the default
None displays the required, actual and net hours (same default setting as before)
Hours displays the contract, actual and variance hours on the first blue line. The second blue line displays the total hours scheduled for each day
Scheduled EE will show you the same first blue line as the Hours setting but the second blue line will be how many employees are in the schedule for that day.
Required EE will show you the same first blue line as the Hours setting but the second blue line will be how many spots there are on the schedule, filled or open.
11. Show T.R. Open: When splitting a tour in the schedule you are creating two temporary shift times and removing the full time of the original shift making the original shift ‘Temporarily Removed’. When this box is checked and you split a tour, it is easy to see that there was a full shift there but was manually\ split. The yellow tour times indicate that the split times are Temporary Tour times. Without this box checked off, the area that would be coded as TR Open will be blank.
If checked
If un-checked
12. Confirm Opening: When this feature is turned on with the checkbox, it allows you to make Temporary adjustments to your scheduled openings
If checked: When right clicking on an Open slot in the schedule, you see the ‘Confirm Opening’ option. This will bring you to the Confirm Detail screen and will allow you to proactively change the tour start/end time, associate the change with Performance Tracking, meal time, any applicable exceptions, and an area to add notes.
If you change the time of the opening from 17:00 to 18:00, it will show on the schedule as such. This will only be visible on this opening and will not affect the tour time IN and OUT fields. Note: When using this feature to change an openings time, if employee is using a clocking device to clock in and out they will not be able to clock as the clocking device will still expect the original start and end times prior to change.
If unchecked: The Confirm Opening option is not available for you to do any proactive edits
13. Display Actual Clock Times: By default, punch times in the Schedule are displayed as scheduled times (actual punch times are viewable in the Call Log or by changing the view to Actual Time). When selected, punch times are defaulted to display as actual times in the Schedule below the individual employee’s name in the Schedule screen.
Actual or clock punch times may be set by default for all new customers in the Customer Default Master, accessible from the Masters menu:
Actual or punch times may also be set on a customer-by-customer basis in the Format tab of the Customer Master
14. Show Check In and Clock Out in Unconfirm: At the bottom of the screen there are several tabs. One of which is the ‘Unconfirm tab.
If checked: The unconfirmed tab will populate those who have not clocked in, or have clocked in but have not clocked out based on the parameter set for ‘Range Unconfirmed’
If unchecked: The unconfirmed tab will only populate those who have not clocked in at all based on the parameter set for ‘Range Unconfirmed’
15. Disable Confirmed In and Out Time: This check box is in reference to manually confirming employees on the schedule by right clicking and choosing Clock In or Clock Out.
If checked: When you right click on an employee to confirm them either in or out, no window will populate and the employee will change to the proper color on the schedule based on your action.
If clocking in = light green
If clocking out = dark green
Important Note: If a change needs to be made for their scheduled in or out time, you will need to do so by right clicking on the employee and selecting ‘Confirm Detail’
If unchecked: When you right click on an employee to confirm them either in or out, the below windows will pop up to prompt you to change the in or out time if outside of their scheduled range. Also, if unchecked it will not record in the performance tracking who confirmed in or out on the schedule and when it was done.
16. Location Filter: Select from the drop-down box if you wish to change the default display of company locations on the main schedule screen.
If ‘Show All’ is selected:
In the main schedule screen this drop down will automate to show all locations at the customer selected.
If ‘First Location’ is selected:
In the main schedule screen this drop down will automate to the fist location record that belongs to the customer’s screen you are on. To view other locations you can choose them from this drop down.
17. Time Zone (Outsource): This setting does not have any effect on the Time Zone that runs this division
18. Unconfirmed Every: This setting is related to the Unconfirmed Tab at the bottom of the screen.
19. Unconfirmed After Tour: This setting is related to the Unconfirmed Tab at the bottom of the screen.
20. Range Unconfirmed: This setting is related to the Unconfirmed Tab at the bottom of the screen.
21. Holiday Master: This setting relates to Holidays that are posted on the Locations and how they function when the Master record is updated for the next year. If a client is utilizing Holidays, they can recycle the Independence Day Holiday of 7/4/2014 and update it when necessary to 7/4/2015. When they save this updated record, the check boxes will determine what is updated for that Holiday on the Location Master.
Update Date: This field is typically checked. If it is unchecked, when the next year approaches, the date would remain 7/4/2014 and not recognize 7/4/2015 as a Holiday. Below displays the fields that would be updated.
Update Time: This field does not typically need to be checked unless the client has specific Holiday rules where the Holiday times alter. As Holidays are typically based on a distinguished 24 hour period of time, that time frame will not typically change. Below displays the fields that would be updated
Example: July 4th will be a holiday from 00:00-00:00 every year, therefore this field doesn’t need to be updated
Update Rate: This field determines if the factors or rates (depending what is chosen in the drop downs) associated at the bottom for Billing and Payroll are copied to the Holidays at the Locations when that record is updated. Below displays the fields that would be updated.
Important Note: This check box will depend on the client’s set up. It is possible the client uses this Master’s rates for MOST of their locations and a different rate for a couple of other Locations. If this is the client’s set up, this is a reason to keep this box unchecked.
Example: They have 10 Locations set up and all have this Holiday at a Payroll Factor of 1.5 except two of them have a Payroll Factor of 2. Based on set up they deployed this Holiday to all Locations and then manually changed the 2 Location’s Holidays to have a factor of 2.
If this box was checked, and the date is updated to 2015 on the July 4th Holiday Master for the next year, the 1.5 Factor will update across the board and will override the manually entered Factor of 2.
If this box is unchecked, any Factor updates for Billing and Payroll will need to be handled manually at each Location
Bypass Holiday Level for Billing: If this box is checked it will ignore the Billing rate/factor on the Holiday at the Location as this means the client is paying Holiday but not billing Holiday. The Billing rate/factor that will be used will be based on the rates in the hierarchy.
22. Rate Differential: Checking the box next to the below options will automatically update those fields when the Master record is changed. Rate Differential Master is located under the Masters Menu and are set up on the Location Masters
Update Time: If this field is checked it will update the Rate Differential Times set on the Locations when the Master is updated. This Time is associated with the hours that the Rate Differential is paid for
Update Rate: If this field is checked it will update the Rate Differentials set on the Locations when the Master is updated. This Rate is associated with
Split Into Separate Earning Type: When checked, the user may specify a rate differential Earning Type for Regular, Overtime1, Overtime2, and Holiday hours on the Location Rate Differential Master. If unchecked, the Rate Differential screen on the Location Master will note that this is disabled (screenshot below)
Important Note: Payroll Type Calculations on the Division Master (Payroll/System tab) will need to be set to Actual Rate in order to use rate differential earning types
23. Meal Time
Billing: The number placed in this box is the number of hours the employee needs to work for a meal deduction to come out for Billing purposes. The employee has to work more hours than the number in the box before the meal will be deducted from billing if it is setup at the post or tour.
Payroll: The number placed in this box is the number of hours the employee needs to work for a meal deduction to come out for Payroll purposes. The employee has to work more hours than the number in the box before the meal will be deducted from payroll if it is setup at the post or tour.
Important Note: The actual hour that the meal is deducted is determined by the setting on the ‘Customer Tab’ in the Division Settings: Meal Time at __th Hour.
Important Note: This could potentially cause an issue with a client that has Midnight-Cutoff if there is an overnight shift and the meal break occurs across midnight.
Payroll / System Tab
1. Federal Min Wages: This field does not automate to the most recent Federal Minimum Wage but you are able to include it in this box if desired. Having the minimum wage rate in here will not adjust any rates you put in the system, except for Nevada. For NV state min wage has to go in this box to make the system pay the right OT based on the state law.
2. Payroll Level: Choosing from this drop-down sets the Division default level for Payroll (usually set to NONE). This is used to calculate multiple divisions set to the same setting. This is for purposes of paying employees in multiple divisions and to accurately calculate overtime.
3. Rate Base On Holiday: Checking this box will pay Holiday Premium based on the Regular Rate contained in the Employee Master file.
4. Meal at Holiday Rate
Billing: If checked, will bill employee meals at Holiday Rate
Payroll: If checked, will pay employee meals at Holiday Rate
5. CA 7th Day (All Overtime): If Employees work 7 consecutive days in a week and the CA 7th Day (All Overtime) box is checked, the hours between 1 and 8 on the 7th day will be applied to overtime regardless of whether over 40 Regular hours were worked. The hours after 8 hours on the 7th day will be Double Time.
Important Note: This setting coincides with the Overtime calculation on the Employee Master (Payroll Tab) that begin with CA: CA_40_0_8 or CA_32_8_8
6. Suppress 0 rate for Invoice: If this is checked off, any item with a zero billing rate will be discarded from the invoice. If this is left unchecked, the items with a zero rate will appear on the invoice for informational purposes.
7. Show Audit Details On Invoice: This setting can only be turned on through a request to Tech Support. When the box is checked, if there have been any manually confirmed times or call-in system confirmations, the client invoice will include details of these transactions with the adjuster’s username next to the changed record.
8. Daily Payroll Hours: This setting is needed when Daily OT Calculation is used on the Employee Master
(1st): The figure added here sets the hours for the first factor when the Daily OT Calculation is used
(2nd): The figure added here sets the hours for the second factor when the Daily OT Calculation is used.
Notes: This is used for CA or other States that have over time rules and the employee master has the correct OT Calculation set. There are several Daily OT settings in the employee master for OT Calculations that utilize this setting, and when selected you set the daily OT by employee.
9. Week Payroll Hours: The figure here (defaulted to 40) will set the weekly hours used for all OT calculations based upon the total hours worked in one week.
10. Payroll Type: Regular, Overtime, Holiday: All affect the calculation of rates when more than one rate is used in a calculation. These fields can either be Actual or Average. When Average Rate is chosen, it will calculate a weighted average of the rates.
This field cannot be changed by an end user and a request will need to be sent to
A signed waiver is needed for this field to be changed from Average to Actual.
11. Rounding Rules: Rounding of Employee Hours to the nearest 6, 10, or 15 minutes for Payroll Calc (Rounding Rule) and billing (Calc InV), if applicable, can be set separately by selecting either Rounding-06, Rounding-10, or Rounding-15
This field cannot be changed by an end user and a request will need to be sent to
12. Overtime Allocation: Selected from the drop-down box, allows adjusting overtime hours to a specific
customer or department. Employee overtime will impact the allocated customer, department or facility.
13. Based On: Indicates on what basis the Overtime Allocation will be calculated.
14. Tax Territory: By division you can add a default Tax Territory if this has been set previously in the Payroll application or during the initial Vision install.
15. Deduction Entry: If checked a screen is available to add deductions by employee
16. Unconfirm Screen: Determines the default display of employee schedules.
Select All from the drop-down box to display the entire schedule.
Select Unconfirmed Only to display only schedules that have not yet been confirmed.
Select Open Only to display open schedule slots.
17. Calculate Multiple Weeks: The system normally calculates payroll and billing for one week at a time.
Select to calculate multiple weeks at the same time.
18. Show Post Notes: Select to allow the scheduler to visibly see the notes on the screen.
19. Carry Post Notes Over to New Weeks: Select to carry notes over to future weeks.
20. Invoice No Sorting: Invoices may be sorted by number (No) or Company name.
21. Check Schedule for Flat Billing: When posts have been set to flat billing, the system automatically
adds the amount of post rate to the invoice. Select to add these amounts to the invoices only when the
posts have schedules associated with them.
22. Auto Fill Range Date for Adjustment: Select to automatically fill the date range to the monthly billing adjustments whenever users create a new monthly billing adjustment.
23. Auto Copy Billing Adj to Payroll Adj: Select to be prompted to automatically create a payroll adjustment whenever a billing adjustment is made.
24. Auto Copy Payroll Adj to Billing Adj: Select to be prompted to automatically create a billing
adjustment whenever a payroll adjustment is made.
25. Check Dept Permission for Pay Adj: Select to check user’s department permission, and only display
the employees and the customers that belong to the departments on the payroll adjustment screen.
26. Check Dept Permission for Bill Adj: Select to check user’s department permissions, and only display
the employees and the customers that belong to the departments on the billing adjustment screen.
27. Auto Delete Duplicate Adjustments in the Generate Adjustment Utility: Select for automatic deletion of duplicate adjustments when the Default Customer and Default Location are selected in the Payment Criteria tab of the Generate Adjustment window. The utility will create only one adjustment for the employees who work more than one location. The customer and location for the adjustment will be set to the location of the first day worked.
28. Change Export Name: No longer used.
29. Default Values (Scheduling): You can select the filters you wish to impose on schedulers assigning
employees to an open tour. The selections made here determine which employees in the Employee
Selection Master window are displayed when assigning an employee to the schedule. If checked the filter will be defaulted to ON, only those with specific permission to uncheck the filter or override the constraint will be able to.
Qualification: Select to return employees meeting the Qualification requirement determined by the Position Qualification Master.
Available to Work: Select to return employees available to work on the date and times as specified in the Employee Master Day/Time tab.
Shift Code: Select to return employees not scheduled elsewhere or removed from the schedule for Leave of Absence.
Overtime Daily: Select to view the impact of daily overtime when scheduling employees. When enabled, the system will check for any overtime impact during the scheduling process, calculating twice, once before scheduling and once after scheduling, to compare any differences in Overtime hours. It will compare the date of the schedule, 1 day before the schedule, and 1 day after the schedule. The results of the checking function reflect the employee overtime calculation settings in the employee masterPayroll tab. Regardless of the overtime calculation setting, the system will display a message if users are assigning a schedule equal or less than 8 hours for the last day of the week, and the total working hours are over 40 hours. If users have the permission “OverrideOvertimeDaily”, they can override the settings and allow overtime for the new schedule.
Maximum: Select to return employees not exceeding the Max Hours (weekly) parameter (set in the Division SettingsSystem Tab) based on the total number of hours already scheduled for the week.
Department: Select to return employees having a Dept assigned in their Employee Master that matches the Department assigned to the customer attempting to schedule for.
Work History: This setting works in conjunction with the Division setting System tab Work History Level and ____ Days settings. If the filter is checked on the Assign Employee screen and the settings on the Division settings System tab read ‘Customer’ and 90 Days, it will only show employees who have worked at that customer in the last 90 days to choose from to be assigned to the schedule.
Vantage Tab
This function relates to users of Valliant’s Vantage application, a telephone based check-in system for employees scheduled to work at remote locations. These are default settings for all tours that are created. All must be set before building any schedules or you have to set each tour setting individually.
1. Pre-Tour Sign-In Required: Select if the employee is required to check in before the tour or shift
starts. Enter the range (From and To) of Minutes Before sign-in that are required.
2. Vantage Time Zone: Enter the hour(s) differential (from Valiant (EST) that is running the software and
the Division location) in the Vantage Time Zone text box. For example, if the Division's location was in EST then the hour differential value would be 0, if the Division's location was in CST then the hour differential value would be -1, MST would be -2, PST would be -3, etc.
3. Options: The Options drop-down box lists options available when Confirm Meal Time is selected on
the Customer tab.
With Preserve Meal Duration, the default meal time is applied, regardless of actual Meal Start or Meal End punches, even when employees are added to the schedule using dynamic shifts.
With Actual Vantage Clock Time is Applied, the meal time is based on the actual Meal Start or Meal End punches.
With Apply Rounding Rule, the meal time is based on the actual Meal Start or Meal End punches after rounding is applied. (The system subtracts the rounded Start time from the rounded End time to derive the meal’s Duration.)
4. Tour Check-In Range: The Tour Check-In Range is used in conjunction with the During Tour Check-In Required option on the Vantage tab of the Tour Master. Depending on the number of required check-ins and the length of the tour, Vantage calculates the actual time of day when these check-ins must occur. Vantage advises the employee of these times when the employee first calls in to start the shift. The employee must call the supervisor to check-in at the specified times, plus or minus the Tour Check-In Range (in minutes).
5. Page Supervisor for Unconfirmed Posts: Select if the employee’s supervisor is to be notified via email or text message whenever an employee’s sign-in does not occur within the specified range. (Supervisors and notification settings are part of Vantage setup and not within the scope of this document)
PR/System 2 Tab
1. Cash Entry Screen Setting: (If used, there is a screen where you can enter cash given to an employee such as tips)
2. New Week Settings: To accommodate rotating schedules, you can copy a weekly schedule from up to 52 weeks in the past, based on the value in the Copy week from drop-down. For example, if set to “10”, the “New Week” functionality in Vision will copy a week from 10 weeks before, rather than just last week, letting you skip to weeks in the past.
Customer Copy Setup
When set at the Customer Master level, all Locations, Posts and Shifts for that Customer will use its copy week selection for new week creation.
1. Set the Apply the setting from Cust/Loc/Post flag in the PR/System 2 tab of the Division Settings.
2. In the Format tab of the Customer Master, select the week you wish to copy from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down. (This will disable the Copy week from field in both the Location Master and Post Master.)
Location Copy Setup
When set at the Location Master level, all Posts and Shifts for that location will use its copy week selection for new week creation. The Customer copy week selection must be set to zero to enable this field in the Location Master.
1. Set the Apply the setting from Cust/Loc/Post flag in the PR/System 2 tab of the Division Settings.
2. In the Format tab of the Customer Master, select week zero (0) from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down.
3. In the Location tab of the Location Master, select the desired week from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down. (This will disable the Copy week from field in the Post Master.)
Post Copy Setup
When set at the Post Master level, all Shifts for that post will use its copy week selection for new week creation. The Customer and Location copy week selections must be set to zero to enable this field in the Post Master.
1. Set the Apply the setting from Cust/Loc/Post flag in the PR/System 2 tab of the Division Settings.
2. In the Format tab of the Customer Master, select week zero (0) from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down.
In the Location tab of the Location Master, select week zero (0) from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down.
In the Billing Option tab of the Post Master, select the desired week from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down.
3. Scheduling Settings – Mass Confirm The Mass Confirm functionality allows an authorized user to select a “Confirm In” and “Confirm Out” time for all employees in a given Post for a given Customer for a selected day and overrides existing schedules. When using this feature, all tours in a given customer/post should have the same schedule time. (Employee Confirm In and Confirm Out times can still be confirmed individually.) The flag is not set by default
When set , the Mass Confirm tab is available on the customer Schedule. Selecting the Mass Confirm tab from the Schedule displays a list of all employees in the Schedule for the specified day. (This setting is utilized for Sport teams etc.)
Clicking displays the Mass Confirm window where you can specify actual in/out times for the day.
4. California Settings – Payroll Workday Cutoff If state labor law allows, an employer has the right to define the start time of a business day. To accommodate clients who wish to specify a time other than the default of midnight (00:00), a Payroll Workday Cutoff field is now available in the PR/System 2 tab of the Division Settings. See California Overtime in Appendix A for examples.
5. Invoice Rounding: The Vision invoice is generated using Crystal Reports and is driven from the calculated billing hours for a particular billing period. There are various billing formats for the user to choose from but, in all cases, there is a rounding issue (penny rounding) that can cause the invoice to not balance.
This is due to the fact that both rates and hours can be fractional, up to four decimal places. The Invoice total, rounded to two decimal places, may not match the sum of the individual line items.
With the optional rounding option, total, subtotal, tax, and grand total can be rounded. In this way, the sum of all line items matches the Invoice Total. Rates are still shown with up to four decimal places.
The rounding option for a Division is displayed in the PR / System 2 tab of the Division Settings.
6. Canada Settings – Compound Tax Some Canadian taxes are “compound” taxes, where the second sales tax on the Location Master is based on the invoice subtotal plus the first sales tax.
In this example, PST is a compound tax and is calculated as follows:
In order to support compound taxes, you must first set the Compound Tax flag in the PR/System 2 tab of the Division Settings.
7. Health Insurance Settings
Health Insurance: Available - Indicates whether or not (default) employer-sponsored health insurance is available to the employee.
Exceptions – When set , allows the user to change the Available flag in the HR tab of the Employee Master.
These division-level settings are independent of each other and the effect on the related field in the Employee Master varies as shown below.
Dependent Health Insurance
Available - Indicates whether or not (default) employer-sponsored health insurance is available to
the employee’s dependents.
Exceptions – When set , allows the user to change the Available flag in the HR tab of the Employee
These division-level settings are independent of each other and the effect on the related field in the Employee Master varies as shown above.
Health Insurance Carrier
If health insurance is available, enter the name of the insurance carrier.
Waiting Period for Health Insurance Qualification
If health insurance is available, enter the number of calendar days from hire date that an employee is eligible for Medical Insurance.
First Day of Month Following Eligibility Period
When set , indicates that eligibility occurs on the first day of the month after the expiration of the
waiting period.
Otherwise (default), eligibility occurs after the waiting period.
Example: Hire Date 9/15/2011 Waiting Period = 30 days
If the check box for First Day of Month Following Eligibility Period is off , the eligibility date is 10/15/2011.
If the check box for First Day of Month Following Eligibility Period is set , the eligibility date
is 11/01/2011.
8. Account Company: The field exists to accommodate future integration with Accounting System.
9. The Virgin Islands area of the window accommodates Overtime rules for the (US) Virgin Islands,
which are Time and one half the regular rate of pay for work:
Over 8 hours per day
Over 40 hours per week
Any hours on the 6th and/or 7th consecutive day (except for tourism and restaurant industries, where overtime is exempt on the 6th consecutive day provided 40 hours of work is not exceeded during said work week).
Clients not in the tourism and restaurant industries must set the 6th day all overtime flag to ensure
A company can decide to start the week at a different time other than 12 midnight so long as it is the same across the board for the entire company