Vision TLM - Employee Master

In this article we will go over the Employee Master window and each of it's Tabs.

Information pertinent to each individual employee is entered in the Employee Master window and includes a wide variety of topics ranging from static details for human resource purposes to functional data for payroll and scheduling purposes. This information is utilized by supervisory personnel when deciding who will be scheduled to work for a specific Customer, Location, Position and Tour.

Employee Master

Select Employee Master from the Masters drop-down or Click the Employee button.

The top half of the Employee Master contains static employee information.

The Employee Status section is used when inactivating or re-activating an employee who has been terminated.

When changing an employee’s status to INACTIVE, the system will require a Termination Date (on the Employee Tab).



Notes Tab

The Notes Tab is used to enter an unlimited amount of text pertaining to a specific employee.

Last Modified User and Date notifies you the last user who edited the employee record and when.



Employee Tab

The Employee Tab is where basic Employee information is entered and user-definable lookup fields are
populated. The Hire Date field can be used for rehire date.

Dept is used in conjunction with Dept in the Customer Master. It is used as a filter when assigning employees in the Schedule.

Group A, Group B, and Group C are user-defined fields that can be created to filter information in



Payroll Tab

The Payroll Tab is where standard payroll information is entered.

Check - user-defined field used for check and voucher sorting.

Regular Hours is an information-only field.

Min-Net allows for employees with multiple garnishments and deductions to receive a minimum net pay amount for the payroll period. (works with Vault Payroll only)

Holiday Level allows for holiday differentiation with employees that may receive different benefits.


(1) Probationary employees are not entitled to receive holiday premium pay until
attaining a minimum number of hours or days worked in the current year.

(2) Seniority employees receive holiday premium pay at double time (Level 2) vs time and one half for those employees below that level.



NOTE: There are additional options for various states and daily overtime calculations. Please refer to the Vision Manual for explanation of all options.

OT Calculation determines the conditions under which worked hours qualify for overtime. The distribution of worked hours is represented as RR_O_H where:
RR = Regular hours
O = Overtime hours
H = Holiday hours

40-0-8 option does not allow holiday hours to count towards overtime hours and 32-8-8 option does.

When OT Calculation has been set to Daily Variable OT Employee Base, the Overtime tab will display. Users can set Overtime hours for each day.


If day 1 has been set to be 24, the guards won’t get any Overtime.  If day 1 has been set to be 0, the guards get overtime for the entire day. If all days have been set to be 0, and “Payroll Type” set to “Hourly”, all days will be overtime.




HR Tab

HR Tab captures generic Human Resource information.

Last Date Worked field is the one field in this section that will automatically be updated by the system. It is the latest date the employee is “scheduled”.

Eligible for Rehire is for information purposes only.




Day/Time Tab

The Day/Time Tab directly affects the Availability List during scheduling by designating each employee’s work availability for a 24 hour day (in half hour increments) for the 7 day week. With no limitations entered, a standard default results in full time availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Available times display green with a Y in the field.

Click and hold left mouse to highlight specific days and times that an Employee is NOT available to work. Then click right mouse and select Not Available. Times will display white.




Picture Tab

Picture Tab captures a digital image of the employee which can be used to generate a photo ID card or badge (digital camera, ID badge printer and related software not included). Selected employee information can be included from various Vision™ Employee Master fields and Lookup tables.




Additional Employee Information

The drop-down list at the bottom of the screen shows 12 additional items, of which 11 are used, for data entry with the Employee Master. Each Master is described below.




Employee Absence Master

Scheduled Absences are reviewed when a new week is created. Vision will temporarily remove the employee from the schedule for the specified time period.

Types of Absences are user-defined.



Employee Additional Phone Master

Additional Phone numbers can be added to contact an employee, such as cell phones, beepers, etc.

Types of Phone numbers are user-defined.




Employee Contact Master

Contact Master permits viewing and input of names and phone numbers used to contact family members or nearest of kin in emergency situations.




Employee Deduction Master

Deduction Master is allows for entry of deductions in Vision.




Employee Earnings Master

Earning Master is for display only in Vision. Changes would need to be made in Vault.




Employee Email Master

Email Master is used to record email addresses (Home, Other, Work).

The assigned primary email address will show at the bottom of the Employee Master screen.




Employee Equipment Master

Equipment Master is used to record the issuance or assignment of specific uniform articles, equipment or other company property.

Types of Equipment are user-defined.



Forbidden Master

Forbidden Master is used to prevent the assignment of an employee to a Customer, Location, or Post by request of the Customer and affects the availability list when assigning employees.

This data is also entered and displayed in the Customer Master.




Employee License Master

License Master can record and store any type of license assigned to an employee. The Employee License List report (see “Reports”) will track this information based on the Expiration date. When a new week is created the system will produce an audit report with all license expiring.

Types of Licenses are user-defined.




Employee Qualification Master

Employee Qualification Master allows entry of employee qualifications and works in conjunction with
the Post Master.

Qualifications are assigned to a Post in the Post Master and to Employees in the Employee Master.

During scheduling, Vision matches the Employee Qualifications to the exact Post Qualifications and displays only those employees with the Qualification in the Employee Selection Master.

Types of Qualifications are user-defined.




Employee Taxes Master

Employee Taxes Master is for display only in Vision.

Changes are made in Vault.




Employee Training Master

Employee Training Master permits data entry of any type of required training.

Types of Training are user-defined.




Employee Work Location Master

Employee Work Location Master permits viewing or input of other work locations for a particular employee.




Employee Default Master

Entries in this master will be automatically carried over to any NEW records created using the Employee

Note: Default settings created or revised here in the Employee Default Master will NOT affect existing
Employee Master records that were created prior to the default settings being entered.





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