TLM Schedules – Creating Weeks in Vision

In this article we will go over how to create new weeks in either sequential or non-sequential order in Vision.

Create Week Enhancement

The Create Week function, available from the Week menu, is configurable at the division level and previously could copy a weekly schedule from up to 10 weeks in the past.


With this release, an authorized user can also set the copy week option at the Customer, Location or Post levels, and copy from previous weeks up to 52 weeks.

This is especially useful if a specific customer/location/post has a rotating schedule, since you can copy to the desired level without affecting the rest of the division.


Operational Considerations

Archived Weeks

If the week you wish to copy has already been archived, use the Dearchive Week function (available from
the Week menu) for the desired week.

The ability to copy a week to a specific customer, location or post depends on the user’s security permissions, namely Location Maintenance, Post Maintenance and/or Tour Maintenance for the division.

The Copy week from setting is hierarchical. If the Post setting is zero, the system looks at the Location setting. If the Location setting is zero, the system looks at the Customer setting. If the Customer setting is
zero, the system will use the Division setting (as before).

As before, the system generates a log of exceptions for license, training, and schedule conflicts when creating the new week.


Customer Copy Setup

When set at the Customer Master level, all Locations, Posts and Shifts for that Customer will use its copy week selection for new week creation. The must be set to enable this field in the Customer Master.

1. Set mceclip2.png the Apply the setting from Cust/Loc/Post flag in the PR/System 2 tab of the Division Settings.


2. In the Format tab of the Customer Master, select the week you wish to copy from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down.

(This will disable the Copy week from field in both the Location Master and Post Master.)


Location Copy Setup

When set at the Location Master level, all Posts and Shifts for that location will use its copy week selection for new week creation. The Customer copy week selection must be set to zero to enable this field in the

Location Master.

1. Set mceclip2.png the Apply the setting from Cust/Loc/Post flag in the PR/System 2 tab of the Division Settings.


2. In the Format tab of the Customer Master, select week zero (0) from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down.


3. In the Location tab of the Location Master, select the desired week from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down.

(This will disable the Copy week from field in the Post Master.)



Post Copy Setup

When set at the Post Master level, all Shifts for that post will use its copy week selection for new week creation. The Customer and Location copy week selections must be set to zero to enable this field in the Post Master.

1. Set mceclip2.png the Apply the setting from Cust/Loc/Post flag in the PR/System 2 tab of the Division Settings.


2. In the Format tab of the Customer Master, select week zero (0) from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down.

3. In the Location tab of the Location Master, select week zero (0) from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down.


4. In the Billing Option tab of the Post Master, select the desired week from the list of week endings in the Copy week from drop-down.



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