TLM Schedules – Default Meal Breaks

How meal breaks work in TLM Vision

The Default Meal Break field specifies the amount of time to be deducted from each employee
assigned to every opening scheduled for the Customer, Location, Post, or Tour depending on the level
it is set.

  • Meal Break amounts are entered as 1 for an hour or .50 for 30 minutes, .25 for 15 minutes, etc.
  • Meal Breaks must be entered PRIOR to creating the new week and PRIOR to Assigning
    (If it is done after, the employees must be removed from the scheduled and reassigned with the
    break in place.)

Setting Up a Default Mealtime

  • Customer/Location/Post/Tour level
  • Meal Breaks can be set at the Customer/ Location/ Post or Tour level with the Customer being the highest level.
  • If the break is set at multiple levels for the same customer, then the lowest level applies.



  • The Post Master is the only level where you can control whether the deduction applies to Billing and/or Payroll. Any other level will automatically deduct from both.
  • NOTE: If “Bill Meal” or “Payroll Meal” is checked, the system does not count this time towards OT for billing or paying.



  • The Tour Master is the lowest level and will override any default meal set at a higher level.
  • For example, if 1 hour is set at the Customer, then it will apply to all Tours for every Location and Post under that Customer.
  • If any Tour is set for .50, then the deduction for employees at those tours only would be .50



Setting the Rules that apply to Meal Breaks

(Tools menu – Division Settings option)
Minimum Hours Worked
The Meal Time fields located on the System tab specify the minimum amount of hours that must be worked in the tour for the Default Meal Break to be deducted.

  • Based on the 4 hour settings shown in this example, if an employee works 4 hours or less, the meal break will NOT be deducted. If they work more than 4 hours, it WILL BE deducted.


NOTE: This will happen during the Calculation Process. Any exceptions after the rules have been applied will need to be handled manually for each employee.


Editing Meal Breaks
(Depends on the Division Setting – Confirm Meal)

  • The screen where edits can be made to the Meal Break time total depends on the Confirm Meal option setting. Typically this option is is used if you have the VANTAGE telephony product and employees are clocking out for breaks.


  • Right Click on the scheduled time slot where the Meal Break needs to be edited and select one of the following options:


Option 1: Confirm Detail
Division Setting – Confirm Meal option OFF

  • Enter the total time to be deducted for the Meal Break in the Meal field.


Option 2: Confirm Meal Stops Division
Setting – Confirm Meal option ON

  • Enter the total time to be deducted for the Meal Break in the Total Hours field.


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