TLM Schedules – Managing the Schedule - Vision

In this article we will go over how to assign and manage employees using TLM Vision.

Assign Employee
1. Right click on Open Tour (red box) and click Assign Employee


2. Employee Selection Master will appear

  • Select appropriate Filter box(es).

3. Highlight name or type last name of employee you are looking for.

4. Double-click employee name or click Select.



5. When the first window opens, select

  • Future Weeks - permanent assigned employee will be in schedule every time a new week is created OR
  • This Day Only - temporary assigned employee will only be in this day this week

6. When the second window opens, select Permanent OR Temporary

7. The Open Tour changes from red to white with the employee name.



Copy Employee
Two options exist to Copy employee to another open Tour
1. Copy/Post

  • Right-click on employee name
  • Select Copy Employee
  • Go to Open Tour and Right-click
  • Select Paste Employee


2. Drag & Drop

  • Left-click on employee name and hold (a hand will appear)
  • Drag & drop employee into Open Tour

3. Select Future Week or This Day Only


Remove or Replace Employee

1. Right click on employee

2. Select Remove or Replace

3. Make selection

  • This Day and This Week options are for the current customer
  • All is for ALL customers. A window will open and ask for an effective date.



Confirm Employee Time

You can confirm the schedule by Employee, Day, Location or Post

1. Right-click on employee (or Day, Location, Post)

2. Select Confirm

3. If employee worked scheduled time, Select Out and then click Ok on the following screen.

4. If employee worked a different scheduled time, Select Detail

5. Schedule Confirm Master will open
a. Edit time in or out.
b. If using Tracking, select an reason
c. Click Save


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