TLM Schedules – The Tab Views

In this article we will review the different ways to view the schedule by using the tabs at the bottom of the Vision screen.

Schedule Tab (Main Screen)

Vision opens to the Main Screen - the Schedule tab The default schedule for the selected Customer is a 7-day week for the week ending date selected in the Customer Information Bar.
If Monthly is selected, the schedule may be scrolled out for a full month.

Schedule by Customer

1. Click Schedule tab.

2. Select customer

3. Select Week


Open Tab

Openings for all schedules can be viewed on a single screen. Employees may be assigned to a scheduled time slot directly from this screen as well.

Open time slots for all Customer schedules will display.

The layout on this tab differs slightly from the standard schedule layout: Customers are shown in the Blue Bar on the left side of the screen and Locations are in the Blue Bar on the right side of the screen.

To View All Schedule Openings:

1. Click OPEN tab

2. Select Week


How to Schedule an Employee from the Open tab

1. Left-click on desired Open Time Slot

2. Right-click and select Assign Employee to schedule applicable employee as desired


Important: Unlike the Schedule tab, the desired time slot MUST be selected first before right-clicking to display the Assign Employee menu option when using the Open tab to schedule employees.


All Employees Tab

Scheduled employees for all Customers can be viewed on the All Employees tab. This is a
condensed version of all Customer schedules within the Division on a single screen.

All Customers in the Division will display with the employees who are currently scheduled. The layout is similar to the Open tab with the Customers shown in the Blue Bar on the left side of the screen and the Locations displayed in the Blue Bar on the right side of the screen.

To View All Scheduled Employees

1. Click All Employees tab.

2. Select the week from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.



Employee Hours Tab

The total scheduled hours for each employee at a specific Customer can be viewed on the Employee Hours tab.

All employees scheduled at the selected Customer will be displayed in the left hand column with the total hours that they are scheduled to work for the week. The schedule time slots will show the location where they are working.

To View Employee Scheduled Hours

1. Click Employee Hrs tab.

2. Select Week



Employee Tab

The Employee tab shows the schedule activity for an individual employee, along with their available work times and any performance tracking.

To View Employee Schedule Information:

1. Click Employee tab.

2. Select Employee

3. The Calendar section at the top left shows the dates that the employee has been scheduled to work in a color other than Red.

4. Click any day on the Calendar within the week that you would like to view.

5. The Schedule detail for the week will display in the bottom right of the screen.



How to Remove or Confirm an Employee

1. Click a Schedule detail row and the options to Remove or Confirm an employee will become available if needed.

2. Click Remove if you would like to remove the employee from the scheduled time slot.

3. Click Confirm if you would like to confirm the detail for the scheduled time slot.



How to Assign an Employee directly to another time slot

1. Select the desired schedule date on the calendar.

2. Click the New button.

3. Select the Customer, Location, Post and Tour from the drop-down menus.

4. Click the Select button and answer the prompts for the options: Future Weeks / This Day Only and Permanent / Temporary.



Find Tab

The Find tab locates the Master Table records where a certain words are displayed. For example, the word “BOBBY” can by entered and the system will search for any record with the word BOBBY in it, such as the Customer record for BOBBY’s Garage or the Employee record BOBBY Jones.

How to Locate Information on the Master Tables

Click Find tab.

1. Enter the name in the search field.

2. For Customer, Location, Post, Employee, etc. where the search returned data, high-light the item and press the F2 key.

3. The Master information will be returned.



Unconfirmed Tab

Unconfirmed employee schedule times displayed in this tab reflect those employees who have not been confirmed for TODAY only. It does not display by a calendar date.

How to Confirm, Remove, Replace employees from the Unconfirmed tab

1. Click Unconfirmed tab.

2. Right click on the employee’s name.

3. Select appropriate action.



Confirm Tab

The Confirm Tab displays by individual employee. Confirmed times will be highlighted accordingly.

To Confirm, Remove, Replace employees:

1. Click Confirm tab.

2. Right click on the employee’s name. Select appropriate action.


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