How to use performance tracking when removing an employee from a post.
Performance tracking can record reasons for employee schedule changes that can be viewed and
reported on.
Confirming Employee’s Time
When you select Confirm Detail, you have the option to select a tracking reason.
1. Right click on employee name
2. Select Confirm/Detail
3. Select Tracking Reason
4. Click Save
Note: Reasons can be customized using Notepad.
Removing/Replacing Employee
When Removing/Replacing Employees, you have the option to select a tracking reason.
1. Right click on employee name
2. Select Remove/Replace
3. After selecting replacement employee, select tracking reason (BEFORE clicking on “Permanent” or “Temporary”)
4. Click Save
Search/Add/Edit/Delete Performance Tracking Master
The Performance Tracking Master can be accessed through the drop-down menu in Tools.
Selection Criteria
This section is used to search for a specific record.
1. Enter appropriate parameters.
2. Click Refresh
- This section shows the detail of a record.
- If a Reason was not selected in the above areas, you can Edit the record and select a Reason.
- Additional comments can also be entered here.