In this article we will provide a brief guide of the options available for invoicing through the Vision application.
- Invoice Format
- Billing Address
- Other Billing Information
- Services, Purchase Order Number, Payment Terms
Invoice Format
Customer Master: Format Tab
- Invoice format is generated from the Customer Master.
- The invoice format can be changed without calculating again.
- Billing Cycle: Frequency of invoicing
- Billing Detail & Invoice Format: Determines data arrangement on the invoice.
See Invoice Examples document for further explanation.
- Invoice Summary: One line summary
Consolidate Location: Combines all locations on one invoice.
Billing Address
Customer Master: Billing Address Tab
- Address and Contact print on the invoice.
Billing Notes, if entered, will print on every invoice for this customer.
Location Master: Billing Info. Tab
- Addresses entered here override the Customer Master: Billing Address Tab
- Enter info here only if not consolidating locations and either a different billing name and/or address is needed by Location.
Important Note:
The B-Name field will automatically be populated with the Location Name. Therefore, it must be removed if it is not needed.
Other Billing Information
Sales Tax
Location Master: Location Tab
- Sales Tax is entered at each Location on this tab.
Services, Purchase Order Number, Payment Terms
Location Master: Billing Info Tab
- Services, PO No, and Term information is entered by location.