In this article, we will explain how to add a Patrol from, what the minimum prerequisites are, the optional features, and how to add checkpoints to a Tour.
Note: While you can manually create a patrol from, we strongly advise doing so through the mPost application and then adjusting this patrol via the web portal. This ensures that the unique checkpoint references are transferred as they are, without the risk of error, and most importantly, it is mPost that takes care of all transfers.
To learn how to create a patrol from mPost, please refer to one of the links below based on the type of device used:
NFC/Android or QR Code/Android
How to add a Tour from Post
1. Connect to Guardtek portal.
2. Select the Site in the upper right corner.
3. Open then Settings menu and click on Tours.
4. Click on Add a Tour on the right.
Minimum configuration to create a Tour
On the Tour creation screen only 3 fields must be defined to create a Tour:
5. Tour: name your Tour clearly.
6. Tour Duration: encode a duration in hh:mm format. Example: 30 minutes as 00:30; 3 hours as 03:00.
7. Tour System: choose M-Post/Sonim only. Something else would prevent your Tour from showing on patrol devices. This selection will add new optional fields as explained here after.
8. Click on the green Create button in bottom right corner.
All options (mandatory and optional)
Here's an overview of all options available when creating a Tour, listed numerically in display order.
1. Tour: mandatory. Rename your Tour with an easily identifiable name by addind for instance the guardroom name. Example: Outside Tour West Wing.
2. Type: drop-down list to select an existing type or create a new one by selecting -- New type -- and type it in next new field on the right. This will categorize Tour for your analysis and provide another level of ordering.
3. Tour Duration: this field defines the expected duration to execute this tour. Being late would trigger an End overdue anomaly.
4. Grace Period After Start Time Expires: define here a duration before triggering an anomaly in the case of a scheduled Tour didn't start on time. If this tolerance is empty, the anomaly is generated 1 minute after the scheduled start if no tag has been read.
NOTE: For scheduled tours only. This gives flexibility to patrol officers. Example: a scheduled tour on 12:00 with a 15 minutes of tolerance should be started between 12:00 and 12:15.
5. Description: text entered here will be displayed on mPost app screen before user start the tour. It can be used to communicate general directions or safety measures.
6. Tour System: drop-down list regrouping all device type to execute tours. For mPost choose M-Post/Sonim.
- Active Guard: don't use, for old devices.
- Legacy: don't use, based on former protocol.
- Patrol/mPost: usable for all Android, iOS or Android light (Patrol).
- None: don't use. Limit to Post.
7. Is position tracking only: inactive by default to allow use of physical tags.
If activated many fields will disappear. Its activation will record device localization at regular intervals, interval customizable with next field Position tracking interval (seconds).
This option is very useful to localise mobile guards with GPS where physical tags would be counter productive.
See point 13 for Can change tour name.
8. Nbr. of Tags Needed for a 'Complete' Tour: to define a minimum amount of tags to read to consider tour as fully executed. Default=0.
If a value is set here and a patrol officer finishes his tour without reaching this minimum, un justification prompt will be requested on mPost.
9. Track User's Gps Position: activated this option saves GPS position at each tag read. These coordinates and a satellite map will also be added to Tour Report.
10. Hide missed tags in reports: This option allows to simply show (by default) or hide tags that weren't read during a Tour.
11. Send Anomaly When Gps Position is Missed: If you define at least one of the tags as GPS tag (later in tag individual setup) this option will generate an anomaly when recorded GPS location is out the reading perimeter set in the next field. Activate this option will require you to define positions of all GPS tags in the Tour.
12. Reading perimeter: define the max acceptable distance, in meters, between the device and the tag position as set. Example: if set on 4m and if previous option is activated, an anomaly will be generated if device is further than 4m from its tag.
13. Can change tour name: (deactivated by default) prevent anyone, except tour's creator, to edit tour name.
How to add Tags to a Tour
1. To add tags to a tour click on Add in upper right corner of second frame.
2. A new frame appears with several fields to fill in. Only 2 of them are mandatory:
1. Tag S/N: it's the unique tag reference (not strictly mandatory but unusable if empty).
2. Tag Name: name here the tag clearly for guards.
The Add button won't activate before filling this fields.
NOTE: It's recommended to use mPost to create a tour. If not possible be aware you'll still need to have tags references (without errors) to be able to create a tour from the portal.
3. Repeat those steps for each tags.
4. Once all tags are added click on Save.